Thursday, July 3, 2008

The weirdness you get on the internet

Since I decided to participate in the online world (at an embarrassingly late age might I add), I've encountered more than my fair share of...weird stuff.

The most memorable would probably be the random marriage proposals...the funniest being the one where I got sent a couple of pages CV style with the title page emblazoned with a large photo and contact details.

That was awhile ago though. The most recent funny stuff would have to do with eye glasses! I don't understand...TWO companies now have asked me to mention their spectacle related companies in my postings...I have to say, it's a bit sus...why ask me- when I have like zero blog traffic? Surely you would approach a more significant blog which people actually read?!

In any case, I love writing. If you do want me to freelance write a review of your products I'd be happy to do so, however from my business minded point of about I post it on a site which people actually read?! LOL

and p.s I need to at least trial your products or else how can I review them?! Cheers.

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