Tuesday, June 9, 2009

FINALLY...hit by that much needed lightning bolt of creative inspiration!


Friggin hell...that honestly took so many consecutive days and >30 naps waiting for it to come...honestly with me I suck at deadlines especially in regards to humanities and airy fairy stuff that requires any kind of creativity...I am LEFT-BRAINED damnit! So if I don't get that lightning bolt of inspiration, it's just as well dead in the water...CAN'T DO ANYTHING!

So what did I learn with this? The best solution while you are waiting is to drink red wine(to chill out) read lots no matter how much it sends you to sleep and talk to lots of people to bounce ideas off...inevitably, eventually some tiny detail will permeate your subconscious and come to you in your sleep... ironically, it was that key word again-BALANCE- which will form the pivotal conept in my paper....but without that inspiring lighthouse moment, it's just a horrible waiting game of perseverence!

Finally I can almost Smile like I mean it. *sigh


miruspeg said...

Macs, Macs, Macs....frigging hell, thank god!...lol

You did learn lots didn't you...drink red wine, read and read and read, talk and talk...you had the answer all the time you just needed patience for Balance to shine through!

Your "waiting for it to come" reminded me of the play "Waiting for Godot"....here is a quote:

"We wait. We are bored. (He throws up his hand.) No, don't protest, we are bored to death, there's no denying it. Good. A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste... In an instant all will vanish and we'll be alone once more, in the midst of nothingness!"
- Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot

Take care mate.

PS I will mosie on over to your your song blog tomorrow.

Zz... said...

LOL...I feel it is like some kind of duty to be a source of amusement ;)

I loved that quote! somehow I think I need to read/see that play. I'm sure I never have but somehow it feels like I have seen bits of it before...

wow I have not heard that term "mosie on" for several years...and even then I had to ask "what does it mean?" LOL you often strike me as the young hip cool one while I am the old and need to "get with the times" granny!

Zz... said...

p.s I've been in situations like this many times enough to know it's a waiting game- but I'm just not a patient person- waiting is high STRESS!!!! especially when you have deadlines...what happens if the lightbulb doesn't turn on in time??! argh thankfully i'm most of the way finished with this student life....grrrr...and a kind mystical person has promised to pass me her full proof secret to "Discipline".

Unknown said...

I am a total last minute girl. I work best under pressure. I do everything last minute but it always gets done. I always wonder how great stuff would be if I took my time doing stuff but I came to the conclusion that it wouldnt be good at all.