Sunday, June 14, 2009

I feel like a...Bear....Bat.

My sleeping pattern is all screwed and I'm still so tired and it's so cold...I feel like I've been in nocturnal "hibernation"- basically I spend the whole day sleeping...for, I only got out of bed at 3pm...which now pretty well means "Breakfast Time" :p!

In any case I didn't feel too bad about it cos the weather was too horrible to go to the beach anyway which is the only thing I really wanted to do and that could make me get out of the house...except...

*Pub Trivia*!!! Or any games for that matter ;)

I finally, FINALLY made it...and it was so much fun!

I told everybody I'm taking A BREAK which means no treating! Haha my break lasted a whole 2 days...I can't help it, when there's a sick pincushion available...well I just can't help myself :p

My friend remarked that I seem to remember people better by their (medical) case histories...haha now that's pretty sad but it's been known to happen...LOL

oh and Friday night I actually met a cool GIRL! yay and we got chatting for hours and get this...she's even gotten to meet Eckhart Tolle and Doreen Virtue!


HappyOrganist said...

MsLane, Smart people ARE hot. And I'm glad you're finally getting that sleep you've been needing. Hope you sleep in 'till 2 today. Have a great day. ;-)

Unknown said...

Aww dont replace me

I will send you emails I promise!