Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting back to "Source"

I've been stalling badly and getting that 'must tread water or will drown' was chatting with a friend who is also struggling over this same paper. She was saying how she's been totally "Affected" by it as well...

after some conversation we came to this same conclusion...

You're going along all happy-pappy...and suddenly something causes you stress, the stress continues to eat into you and wear you down...and then you're absolutely your entire life woes ever come crashing over you...back to haunt you in your dreams, in your sleep...plague you night and day...completely irrelevant to your initial stressor....and all really really serious musings...

But then...once the paper is done...suddenly the clouds have lifted and all the demons go away...well that's the way we think it works anyway!

Whatever the case I realise I have lots of "stuff" that needs to be dealt with...things I've just avoided and distracted with busy-ness and "band-aid" solutions...other people can only offer you comforting words, temporary relief but the ROOT needs to be dealt with...which means getting back to "Source"...


HappyOrganist said...

so, by Root and Source do you mean just finishing that darned paper? or do you mean other 'issues' (like we all have).
Isn't it funny how the other things do come up - and dwelling on them is in fact a way of avoiding the real issue. I'm dealing with that A LOT lately. It's REALLY annoying.
very very annoying.

HappyOrganist said...

MsCL, come see my page. I want you to give me the same advice that everyone else is. Come visit me with a frying pan. ;-)
Unless you're doing your homework, of course -- in which case, get back to work.! ;-D

Zz... said...

haha no I meant ROOT!!! like in true TCM know the funniest thing my Godly friend reckons this paper has been so bad-affecting cos we had to keep reading about "demonic affliction" LOL

as usual I work back to front and opposite to you...I haven't been dealing with the REAL ISSUES cos I am too busy trying to keep the daily grind at bay!!!

Yeah I'll come with a dirty frying pan when I'm that just reminds me dishes not done- arghhhh gross!!!! this minimal survivalism stressy business is really really disgusting- haven't even gotten around to washing, cooking, proper eating..YUCK YUCK YUCK!!! the wine's been good though ;)LOL

HappyOrganist said...

you're terrible
Do your dishes! ;-P

You're studying demonic affliction? Fascinating. heathens...


HappyOrganist said...

Is your paper due tomorrow? (friday)?
If so, it'll all be over soon.. for better or worse.
I always liked that about deadlines. One way or another, it'll all be over.