Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"Bacon" Saves the Day!

I'm feeling very thankful and much relieved cos my good mate "Bacon" saved my ass...

I know the name sounds a bit rude but really don't you think Bacon is such a cute term of endearment? I realised that a special few near and dear to me tend to all have cutesy terms of endearment ie: either something animal related or something that is cute(even if seemingly derogatory lol). So if I start calling you something cutesy or animal like...that totally means you have "made it" in Z affections so don't be offended LOL!

The last 3 days have been completely paralysed by stress which results in nothing but total inaction - implosion/external manifestation of internal spontaneous combustion- and more total inaction...but is inevitable when I get this run down (basically once or twice a year). Thank goodness for my mates! :)

In any case the last two nights of red wine "therapy" have really, really helped a lot ;)...been totally out of it-needing to lie down/sleep every three hours and having a muggy head bogged in cloudy slime which lucid thoughts were not able to penetrate or move around in...think it was a case of sheer exhaustion complicated by major blood deficiency and stasis(no I didn't try and treat myself-it's very hard to do effectively for yourself). I think by tomorrow I'll be fully functional again (fingers crossed) which will be good cos I really want to nail this sucker!

And Disappear into the Sunset, the warm waves and the golden sand :)

This is looking to be a possibility too :) just toying with the idea in my hyperactive head, along with a zillion other ideas...still haven't yet decided definitively how I will spend the month...all I know is I NEED THE BREAK DAMNIT!


HappyOrganist said...

Sounds like this school is getting to you. I think that's the 3rd or 20th time you've mentioned being this burned out "only happens couple times a year"

Zz... said...

yeah when I say once or twice a year I mean it happens in BLOCK CHUNKS...that coincide with predictable hectic times every year...exams!

Unknown said...

I call Steve goldfish, because he has the memory of one...about 5 seconds.
