Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Waking up to your inner voice.

You know when sometimes You Just Know. Don't ever berate yourself and think yourself silly. There's a reason you have an inner voice in the first place. As someone who has grown up in a firm atmosphere of "rationals" and been burnt too many times by ignoring my inner voice for "logic" and practicality...If anything, doing THAT is irrational!

My lymph nodes still feel the size of be honest I don't think I've ever been this sick in terms of URTIs before. At least I have a stash of needles and herbs with anti-viral properties which help alleviate symptoms somewhat, or I'm sure it would be a whole lot worse...In any case not much can be done and to be dragged off to hospital or whatever is actually a lot more dangerous for someone with compromised immunity...

Anyhow the last couple of days of alone time despite the obvious discomforts of being pretty ill has been much appreciated. It sucks that I feel so obligated by others that I have to be seriously ill just to be able to close myself off and rest without feeling guilty. In my minimal waking hours it has been really good to just close off from that *noise* that is the external world. My favourite pursuit has been reading Mr Tolle...which is like a deep meditation in really gets me "in the zone" which is a pretty sweet place really :)

Restful holidays are good just cos much of my hypermentality goes with it- my mind is not forced to be constantly operating at 120% capacity or operating on 100% standby.

Maybe I'm getting old...But I really DO like my Quiet Life :)


HappyOrganist said...

MsC, don't talk like that. You'll make me swoon.

as far as inner voices go - I'm trying to shut mine up.! ;-P [half the time] I'm really nicer to myself than all-that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ewwww – I'm glad your coughing and spluttering is on the other side of cyberspace (!) I totally agree with the listen to your inner voice thing. Just recently i had one of those 'Oi will you just stop a minute and listen?' moments - and I hesitated - then carried on my merry way. And of course regretted it. The thing is sometimes my little voice is too quiet. Needs to learn how to shout!
Hope you are resting up - and not tiring out your brain too much on Mr Tolle!!!

Unknown said...

I found Tolle to be entirely too wordy (coming from someone who wants to get her English degree)> I just found that what he wanted to say has been said by others in simpler, easier to understand terms. Why make it more confusing and harder to understand than it has to be?

Zz... said...

Shan are you right brained? He's GERMAN (isn't he??)LOL...what do you expect??!!

just check out how protracted it is to say Happy birthday in German!!! LOL

If you are right brained then you'll get what I mean when we watch something like WALL E together and I have to ask you to narrate a running commentary so that I can follow what the heck is going on!!! LOL

I love Tolle!!! Best Bedtime Story...

Zz... said...

freaking hell what's with all the 11:11s!!!

Unknown said...

well he does put one to sleep...

I loved Wall-E
I just watched it for the first time in Texas. I would do a running commentary for you but only you. Usually I despise anyone who talks through movies ;)