Saturday, August 2, 2008

What I'm feeling happy about: Real Friends.

I'm feeling really contented since I "friend culled" :)

For too long I've been used and abused. I've always been the friend for the person in need- the one to fill the void until they find their partner to fill that void, the one that people go to when they have problems but forget about when everything's fine, the one that's true value was more in being padding to make the other party look "popular" especially once a year on their birthdays :P. At the same time at the first sign of when I've needed help or have been in trouble, these pseudo friends suddenly did an impressive disappearing act or even more blatantly started running the opposite direction!

I've had it with pseudo one sided friendships...and people who just Take Take Take, So it is with Enormous Satisfaction as I get more and more certain with each passing day about life direction and how I want my life to be I cut out the dead wood and ditch the psuedo friends...I'm so glad I am no longer investing my precious time and energies on these slackers and am able to redirect this energy into people and ventures that ARE worthwhile! :)

At the end of the day though, the bottom line is, people can only use and abuse you for as long as you allow them if you have loads of slacker friends- my advice is bid them Good Riddance and you'll feel better for it, I promise :)

I Love Liberation :)


Caroline said...

Good for you! I did that a while was a very good thing. Friends should not suck all the good life from you...

Unknown said...

so I will just copy and paste this onto my blog then shall I?
It saves me writer's cramp!

Zz... said...

yah feel free hehe- I'm so glad we found each other- you just SO get me! I guess it helps that I'm almost b'day twins with your hubby ;)