OBVIOUSLY I'm really struggling to get back into study mode...
Here are some random pics...
Here are some random pics...
Dinner...I had nothing in the fridge and didn't want to grocery shop too much cos I'm waiting for my big organic order to arrive...in any case I like it when I really feel like eating because I then *imagine* a recipe for something new to eat- usually it always turns out really tasty- never pretty but very tasty and very quick& simple :)
I fried off some good quality chorizo in very good quality extra virgin olive oil, then fried some carrots - I then added risoni, water, a little chicken stock, white wine, simmered and then added some peas...voila! YUM I love home food! this is a little kid friendly dinner too :)
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I really think I feel global warming in action when suddenly you can get locally grown summer berries in winter :P - these berries are 1) currently not available organic and 2) are prohibitively expensive organic even if they were available so these are non organic berries soaking in a watery apple cidar vinegar mixture to remove the spray from them before eating...
I stumbled into a really cool toy store by accident on my way home so I managed to pick up a little something for my niece who turns 2 next weekend! Unfortunately I forgot how old she was turning so I bought her things only appropriate for a 3 year old and then I had to call my mum to check how old she was turning and the date of her b'day - I'm losing track with all the baby booming that's been happening in the last few years! Someone's going senile...
LOL I love the doodle mate! Incidentally he aced the exam and finished it with heaps of time to spare...some people failed! wow really thought you had surrendered all your last brain cells to alcohol-obviously not- Congrats! :)
I like the postcard scribble detail with the buildings I thought I better document this since this is the only super luxury postcard M is ever likely to send LOL.
I am also surprised that Chicago is actually such a nice city- I always had this impression that it was a dirty smoky kinda gangster town- not sure why...I was pleasantly surprised that it is a very nice metropolis with modern skyscrapers second to none, great culture, great food scene- highly liveable...only criticism - it's "beach" is hopelessly pitiful! p.s if I ever end up going there, first stop is to try Grant Achatz's molecular gastronomy restaurant Alinea where food meets design - check out the official site for some fantastic food photography!
Thanks so much for your comment.
I like so much Lennon songs, because I feel the lyrics in my veins, overcoat in my heart.
I'll have to try the recipe with Boo. :)
hey k,
hmmm...i don't know if my "pleb" food is good enough compared to what Boo is used to!! AMAZING b'day party pictures by the way...I was tempted to comment but thought I won't dwell on being envious that I didn't grow up as lucky as Boo!!! Glad that it all went well - I recall lots of the b'day parties I went to some kid always ended up in tears LOL. p.s i also LOVE picking fresh fruit- went to an organic berry farm earlier this year only problem is there were a grand total of about 3 blueberries left :PP Cherries are also really fun...I always manage to end up with dyed red hands :)
Didn't know you cared about stamps. I would've made a bit more effort to find decent ones. But don't hold your breath lol :)
oh i liked them but no longer collect....I've matured since then...moved on to collecting...rocks!! LOL ;)
Wow you do look busy...I will have to send you an update about this crazy weekend!!!
Insanity at best, but really fun and good to see the family. Talk to you soon
Great pics BTW
I love the three colours film trilogy too. But 'Blue' (with Juliette Binoche) is by far my favourite of the three. The bit at the end with the music - it just builds and builds. Binoche is so brilliant because you see all of these feelings inside her. Astounding. I'm always in floods of tears at that point. I have to have a good sob - then feel much better ;0)
Thanks for dropping into my blog BTW - I've put a couple more articles up. And I'll be adding one soon about ruby zoisite and selenite. (Also now have to add something on fuchsite! Good for practical learning, huh? That's a hint for you if ever there was one!)
healingstones, you know what? perhaps you're right! perhaps it is blue I like best- I forgot- I saw them all SO LONG AGO! It's cool that you're SO FAMILIAR with the trilogy...I haven't much time to watch movies these days but one of my favourite aussie movies is SHINE...go rent it if you can...I should really do a post about it one day...
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