Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Learning Flexibility...

Today in massage we learnt better how to diagnose a musculoskeletal ailment. One of the things we had to do was watch carefully how the patient moved. I was really happy and surprised to be told that all the stuffed up body alignment I retained from the accident, not walking and associated muscle wastage has actually improved greatly...which I can only assume is due to doing yoga regularly :)

I feel in some ways besides physical flexibility my mind has definitely gotten a lot more flexible. For example, last night I got "notified" that I'd have all these tradesmen rocking up at my door at 730am (talk about short "notice"- my body corporate sucks!) any case I don't like things popping up on me out of nowhere...I like routine and predictability around me to a certain extent which is highly ironic cos I personally love being unpredictable and spontaneous.

So anyhow they turned up and it could have been a big stressy get really aggravated event because they were really dodgy didn't speak English and when I came back there was DUST EVERYWHERE- in my fruit bowl, on my shelves, in my laundry, in my CLOTHES, in every crevice of every electrical appliance...they hadn't had the courtesy to prewarn me to cover things up and hadn't had the decency to drape plastic sheets for themselves....and I'm actually highly allergic to dust.

I like how I was able to take it in my stride and make adjustments without getting worked up and annoyed...or telling the rude leader of the pack with really bad stressy vibes where to go when he barked orders at me to help him out even though I'm not even one of his workers! (I did however sound my tibetan singing bowl really loooooong to cleanse my place of his bad vibes though)

I can't even use my bathroom so me the total germaphobe showered at the gym!...slowly but surely I'm getting more and more flexible!!!

So they're coming back tomorrow and rather than be anal fussy over the mess and dirt they've left I'm living in all the crap until they finish tomorrow and then I will begin the highly laborious task of de-dusting all the crap out of my freshly cleaned and now filthy dirty apartment (yup another reason why I could have gotten especially annoyed- talk about bad timing!!)

In any case, I still haven't learnt flexibility in social situations yet. I still really like familiar all costs. I can't believe how sad I felt when yet another person I had gotten used to seeing around in my daily life has just disappeared off the planet. Whether it be the people who serve me at the post office or at the supermarket I get used to my "regulars" and when they suddenly leave and aren't there anymore I find it kind of rather disconcerting even though they were pretty well perfect strangers I had no meaningful or deep relationships with in the first place- I still find myself missing them- maybe I'm a lot more sentimental then I ever realised...

Still need to master the 'art of detachment' better.

p.s i'm not in such an unreal happy positive state that I fail to notice that there are a heck of a lot of complete a-holes around or that people are incredibly selfish these days, rather I choose not to focus on these losers...basically even if it seems to me that there is only one really cool nice loveable person to every 10 a-holes in the city, I just dwell on the fact that there is one really nice cool person I was privileged enough to meet^^ or else I would end up being the world's biggest negative misanthropist.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so funny...when I go to work I am anal about cleanliness, order and organization...but at home I am SO not organized or ordered at all. I like having things (read: clutter) around that remind me of my life and where I have been. The dust thing would piss me off though too :)
I think a part of growing up is that letting go part and learning to flow with the tides and let them carry you along...fighting is what makes people crazy!
And philosophy class is done for the day young grasshopper ;)