Friday, August 1, 2008

Drawn to a Higher Calling...

I've been a bit on edge this whole past week...cos I could feel something big brewing in my bones...

I'm not sure if it's IT but today I had: A lighthouse moment.

If you know how sickly I've been, how I don't fly and how weak my constitution is especially in regards to air pollution etc and what a complete germaphobe I'll realise just what a big deal this 'revelation' is!

Basically...I decided...I'm Going to China!!! Probably in my final year though- either with school for 3 weeks first or...I did hear about an all expenses paid 6 month scholarship today(!!)

Basically...I realise there are two choices generally for women to put their energies into at this can do the whole find a hubby, settle down and have a kid start a family thing OR you can put all your energies into your career!

I think especially because I already tried the former and now I actually have freedom and autonomy, now I'm definitely more drawn to this higher calling- I don't just want to be able to help single individuals and my own family and friends...I want to be able to effect masses! And potentially by going to China I will be able to get myself completely healed! In any case it will be an awesome learning experience...I realise here my learning is so limited, if I want to really truly be REALLY GOOD I GOTTA GO TO CHINA! Eeeek the thought is terrifying, hopefully E will be there at the same time, it will be slightly less daunting- I can't speak a word of Chinese-the only time I went to Asia I got major culture shock, homesickness and couldn't stand the dirt the grime the everything!

So don't mind me but I'm just going to knuckle down and try to make it all happen- so apologies in advance if I fall off the planet during semester!

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