Friday, June 13, 2008

Smokers should live in Smoker Compounds...

I was gonna say a follow on something but I'll exercise some restraint...Negative vibes can only generate more...

The ridiculous shared ventilation with chainsmokers on all sides who mysteriously only ever seem to leave the house for food or more smokos and who don't feel the need to sleep at 330am on a weeknight is still driving me insane. Insane and desperate enough to start considering all manner of only-someone-Desperate-would-do options. Notably moving back to the island permanently and others too embarrassing to openly admit publically...

Toyboy: if I get my filthy rich father to buy me a place by the beach with unlimited fresh air, will you be my "girlfriend"?

Far out, even had to hesitate in answering that one: sheesh, once I start getting that desperate and one-eyed for fresh breathable air, who knows what I'm capable of?!

In any case, I was just wondering...

Why is WEED illegal when cigarettes aren't?

I just don't get it.

With the 5000 or so chemicals and additives and CRAP in processed cigarettes these days and well evidenced addiction and adverse health effects costing society zillions in healthcare just doesn't make sense!

In any case besides feeling sincere pity for me and my plight, Toyboy and Co think this panda-eyed desperate-driven-to-insane me is an incredibly funny experience to witness.

Mainly because I become brash, assertive, irrational and fearsomely uninhibited...kinda like some people when they get sloshed...well I AM really pissed...Off!!! (And incredibly sleep deprived)

Hopefully will be able to crash quarterly executive committee meeting of the building this week to add my 5c...don't worry I'll aim to take my respectable, reasonable, rational, hopefully articulate and diplomatic but FIRM self along to that...after that will reassess and see the outcome of my blood tests etc.

This constant passive smoking is making me SICK, and health along with a fully functioning body is one thing you just cannot take for granted, cos often once it's lost, you either can't get it back or it requires a God-given miracle and efforts akin to climbing Mt Everest, along with a very fat bank balance and LOTS of time :P

this hellish and insidious nicotine business is making me really 1) stuffed body clock, sleep-deprived and dysfunctional and 2) really, really edgy...I imagine it's like being an addict going cold turkey or something! only a few more days...maybe I can get a job while I'm there and not come back until next semester?? daydreaming as usual...i need to stop procrastinating :P 50% prac exam to prepare which I'll need to pull out of my ass before tuesday...

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