Thursday, June 26, 2008


I think some kind of "shift" happened up there along with plenty of other strange things. It's mind-boggling what can happen when one allows oneself to not be limited by logic or reason.

I'm feeling strangely wistful- plagued by an inexplicably intense niggly sad almost mushy and sentimental kind of feeling, perhaps like a part of me was left there or rather, I left something up there. I'm hoping it's just the initial 'let-down' reaction you get after going on holidays and nothing more...

Or maybe it's the moon...or the reiki...Tuesday was a really strange day. A real eye opening day for "rational" G- a day of healing. It started with astrology and tarot, progressed to reiki and culminated in a really slow but effective style of yoga.

We went to some small dinky town where we stumbled across some reiki healers who operated by donation. So after harping at her for ages, G finally took her second dive into the unknown, and since I've been attuned they invited me to join in to effect the healing-it was quite beautiful...and it ended with all 3 of us grinning at each other as we gazed upon our subject who rested peaceful as an angel.

Something definitely happened...on the plane back she suddenly turned to me and said
"I think the reiki's kicked in- suddenly I can see possibilities."

Reiki's amazing like that but having experienced it first-hand I wasn't at all surprised.

Later they gave old grandma with her perenially sore muscles and joints an express treatment and I got "gonged" for the first time ie: they sounded a tibetan bell which apparently has a sound which resonates with the body's healing processes.

I'm not sure what it is with that region that attracts so many natural healers- perhaps it is the sheer beauty of the natural environment- I mean where else in the world can you so easily spot whales and dolphins frolicking in the wild? In any case I don't think it's a coincidence.

The sheer open-mindedness of the people up there, their tolerance and how they embrace everything unique, different and individual is very attractive to me.

I wasn't left unaffected. Today I decided to:
1. join a food co-operative
2. reconnect with my long-lost childhood ability to create beautiful (or at least artistic) things
3. join a reiki healing circle
4. study astrology

All I really feel like right now is hopping on a plane and going back there permanently, however I've still too many commitments down here which I needed to get back for so I'll have to learn to cultivate patience over my impulsive desires and work steadily towards making my dreams a reality.


markymark2099 said...

Welcome back! Sounds like you've got the travel bug now :)

Phivos Nicolaides said...

WELCOME home traveller!