Friday, June 27, 2008

I am NOT a Hippie!

So today with child-like zealousness I set out to a particular part of the city I rarely frequent with sole mission to join an organic wholefood co-operative, inspired by my recent trip and the fact that my parents keep going on about the huge spike in the costs of food.

I was pretty disappointed with what I found. Although it seems "cool" to be part of a cooperative... with this particular one at least, the freshness of the produce was lacking, the knowledge of the produce was lacking, the prices were surprisingly I'm sticking to the bi-monthly organic produce delivery service :)

So anyway having been ensconced in Hippie-ness far more than usual lately, I've realised all the labels I've always refuted are just that-PLAIN WRONG: I am SO NOT a Hippie!

Okay, so maybe I'm into alternative therapies, herbs, crystals, organic food, nature, the environment, astrology, tarot, foreign cultures, progressive ideas and I listen to world music...avoid certain conventions and support certain socialist ideals...HOWEVER That doesn't make me a Hippie!

Here is my case:

1) I always wear shoes- especially on the street.
2) I bathe EVERYDAY without fail. I can't stand dirt and generally don't smell bad!
3) I'm generally quite with it and articulate- none of that glazed eyes phenomenon and dopey expression for me!
4) I dress boring and prefer a classic black to a rainbow palette and exotic accessorising.
5) I like bourgeoisie things like glasses of red wine, imported chocolate, Italian leather, swiss watches, diamonds...LOL

Adventure to the Hippie Heartland
So during my trip we did manage to venture to what would probably be classified as THE Hippie Heartland of this country. It was really grotty and there were quite a few deros indiscreetly trying to make sales: do you want ganja, mushroom, cookie? In any case, I thought it was amusing that I was the only one of our party to not get asked.

So anyway, one of our party couldn't resist giving a cookie a go - from a herbalist's point of view, observing the after effects was utterly fascinating(except for the puking part)...yup the raw stuff ingested directly is pretty potent! Moral of this story: ALWAYS follow dosage instructions from your "pharmacist"-better yet don't take *stuff* unless you need it! LOL

Of course being the herbalist I am, I had to undertake a little "investigation"...on recounting the whole story my mum was rather concerned, however I reasoned with her that if I was gonna turn into a druggie surely it would have happened already during my artsy fartsy digital media days? And in any case, honestly,I have access to waaaaay more consequential chemical compounds via my Chinese herbs if that was my calling! Who would be so stupid to spend exorbitant amounts on illegal western stuff when you can can get such easy and valid access to much more potent and legal stuff?

Haha yes it has occurred to me that being a Chinese herbalist could actually make for quite a good underground money spinner...except for the fact that I am into it for therapeutic purposes...LOL I think The Hippocratic Oath is binding on ALL healers not just conventional ones!

1 comment:

HappyOrganist said...

Isn't it funny how you can look at a group and say "I'm not one of those" - and yet other people will lump you into that exact same group?
Love it.
Life is great.