Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Weather

It's a very British/English tradition to talk about the weather.

Lots of people here still do it but I don't. Firstly cos I'm not a big fan of small talk and I'm no good at it, especially when the small talk is that generic and uninteresting...

So here is a first- a comment about the weather ;)

It's been raining cats and dogs and the winds have been nothing short of sweep you off your feet and shear your umbrella off at its threads kind of Gusts.

While most moan and groan, it's been a sanity-restoring welcome change for me^^

This is cos it's bringing a lovely fresh breathable cleanliness to the polluted city air...and to my particularly cigarette smoke infused apartment :(

A friend was over the other night and he gestured to my completely wide open balcony door on a chilly rainy night saying "gee you don't say you REALLY like your fresh air"!

I thought it's a good thing to always Say what you mean ;)

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