Monday, June 9, 2008

Drugs, Drugs and More Drugs!

Just when I thought I'd had enough after spending the last few days absorbed in the pharmacology of Chinese herbs, it seems I just can't get enough-now it's the turn for the western stuff!

And WOW. It's amazing the things you's certainly surprising how much detail they put in textbooks about illegal drugs and all those intriguing combinations that get concocted in those dodgy home basement labs-it's enough to encourage more drug taking and experimentation!

Forgive my innocence but before today I had No Idea the difference between crack and cocaine, and I had no idea what an A-bomb, an H-bomb, an 'illy', ozone, octane or sextasy was- although the last one I probably could have guessed!

It's so corrupting this "modern" TCM business...I guess if I wanna be a herbalist, it's inevitable that I get educated in ALL drugs!

But after contracting an arbovirus and being randomly doped up on all kinds of legal crap like a poor experimental lab rat by orthodox gps and specialists and getting so much sicker, I can honestly say I've never had any curiosity about illegal drugs whatsoever-who wants even more health problems?!

I must say though, now that I'm dabbling in potions and learning which herbs are like what drugs and what drugs are used for what disease and about the fascinating world of neurotransmitters- wow, maybe chemistry's not so dull after all!

Unfortunately I still suck at stuff unless it interests me...the day I get over that lack of discipline will be some day indeed!

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