Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary...

Doodle excerpt from bone dry western medical science prac manual...this is me imagining being a scarecrow...

Someone's dreaming of The Country Life ;) !

hmmm...this is a typical reflection of the mesh of polarities within...

I love the rustic, cleanliness, beauty and slow simplicity of the country life yet at the same time I'm an urban chick...I need culture, refinement, informed people, geographical convenience, new ideas...

on that note I think the one photo I took today is appropriate to the theme...I call this one

City Microcosm: Stench Stacks...

actually I took it in celebration of the fact that there was a rare Blue sky! LOL

hmmm...apart from regional vs metro, on the subject of polarities:

here are some others that are always playing tug-of-war within:

Western me vs Eastern me
Practical/Rational vs Dreamy/Idealistic
Impulsive/Spontaneous vs Cautious/Deliberated
Need for Personal SPACE/freedom/independence vs Need for close, meaningful one-on-one relationships
Old vs Young
Antisocial Introspective Introvert vs Extrospective(is that a word?) genuine interest/curiosity/fascination with other people and capacity to be a social butterfly(subject to energy levels and right mood LOL)

At least I've worked out the geographical conflict bit...
Keep two abodes!!:-D
With the cost of property here...hmmm just need to GET RICH to be able to make it a reality...Working on it...slowly! lol

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