Sunday, May 25, 2008

Blood, Guts and Gore: The Truth!

Make me deal with blood, guts, gore or vomit and I'll be the first one to run the opposite way!

On the other hand give me the cold, hard 100% truth - and maybe I'll stare you right back in the eye and say 'Thank You'.

I'm not sure why people are so averse to telling the truth. It's so downright hard to find honest people these days. Everybody is always hiding behind facades, so worried about what other people think of them, or so worried about offending people.

What I really can't stand are "little white lies" and people who are so gutless they can't deal with truth or be their real selves. Or maybe it's just me, maybe I think a lot better of truthful people, but most people would prefer to hear only what they want to hear and be in sheltered ignorance from that which they don't...

Maybe when I was younger, more naive and more sheltered, I was a lot more judgemental but honestly, now I think I've pretty well heard it sure takes a lot to shock me, and I try not to judge...unless of course you're a filthy smoker and then of course you immediately sink to the bottom of the heap - if you do it around me at least!!!

Speaking of smokers, G was at my place again and even SHE didn't sleep a wink...I'm thinking it's all that nicotine that is insidiously invading 24-7 via the pores in the walls, floor and common low levels nicotine is a stimulant...although I've always had shite-y sleep, since I've been back in the city with all my stressed out Chinamen chain-smoking neighbours hinging me in from all directions, I think I've barely gotten A WINK...and I'm even running a $500 negative ion air purifier! ARGHHHHHHHHH, it's so...completely aggravating! And just another challenge to this intense study life and maintaining GOOD grades. Obviously another campaign I need energy for...a matter of persistently harrassing the strata enough...*sigh* I really AM tired...if only I could SLEEP!

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