Saturday, May 24, 2008

People Scientist ;)

On occasion, my curiosity and thirst for knowledge will get the better of me, and then, it knows no shame in that single minded pursuit to get to the bottom of things...

I've always been a scientist at heart- always observing, conducting "experiments" ;)...asking WHY? & HOW?

EXACTLY why things like reiki don't sit that easily with me (so I choose to not think about it cos it only ends up in major brain boggle), but I do know from experience that there are a lot of amazing, inexplicable, illogical and irrational things that exist out there - and then I try to keep the scientist part of me shut keep my brain from exploding!

Started watching What the Bleep Do we know? yesterday at the suggestion of a classmate of mine- was 'interesting'- a curious documentary trying to explain New Age ideals via Quantum Physics touching on cool stuff like Masaru Emoto along the way: very much in line with my thoughts on the power of belief, intent, awareness and perception post having a reiki attunement-definitely interesting to people who believe in possibilities.

I can't say what I think about the film conclusively as I haven't finished watching it but at the least it's thought provoking-it's definitely quite a difficult subject to have made into a film...I'm curious to know what the full-blown skeptics think...

ANYWAY back to the title of this post...last night I did something I very rarely do. I let two of my worlds collide: on a spontaneous whim bringing together two very separate friends from two very separate worlds (but no I wasn't matchmaking-sorry to disappoint LOL: I still don't get why people think I would be good at this!?) (Unfortunately I still haven't been able to cash in on the $300 P offered per decent "introduction" - the major problem still being I don't know enough twenty something women!!)

Anyway it was really fascinating last night just observing, watching, listening to the two parties interact- it's always expecially exciting when the interaction is completely unpredictable from the outset: the last time I was this intrigued was when we introduced a new stranger guinea pig into the hutch of the existing guinea pig...or even LOL in my even younger days when I was SIMS obsessed and introduced a new Sim into an existing household ;)

In any case, all my friends being from very different circles- typically, historically they never get along, either completely disliking each other or having absolutely nothing in common besides me as the mutual association, so it was nice in this case when they actually got along and it was fascinating to hear afterwards what they respectively thought of each other. Maybe I should do this more often...but then again I think I prefer to keep my separate worlds separate...

anyway to yoga! These grandma joints desperately need some oiling...

1 comment:

Dina Roberts said...

I find it fascinating that you're so into Chinese Medicine, New Age, hippy stuff.

I always pictured that as being more right-brained. Stereotypes....I guess.

I read the book What The Bleep Do We Know. I found it interesting. I think there's some truth to it, but I think the law of attraction stuff is sometimes taken too far.