Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toyboy's Cure To End Racism...

Lately Toyboy has gotten bitten with the big case of "clucky" lol. So he's been trying to sell the whole inter-racial marriage thing cos he wants Eurasian kids cos a) they are HOT and b) they are SMART (he has two good points there but first he needs to find someone that WANTS to be responsible for his little RATS! lol)

So anyway, lol, anyway lately has has been advocating inter-racial marriages since he believes that it is THE cure to end racism...the logic being that the less "pure breeds" that exist will bring an end to racism if everyone becomes a mixed breed...

I don't know if this is such a bad idea...even as recently as Friday when my mate came from overseas to visit he did cop quite a bit of "white australia" flack from a local...it's so weird it's almost like there was racism before I was born when Australia was known as "White Australia" with their immigrant unfriendly policies...then as a child I didn't experience it and all my friends were white locals...then in the last few years racism has well and truly had a rebirth in Australia as the sore losers take it out on the successful and wealthy migrants here.

But anyway I digress, what I really wanted to say was THANKS HO, I GOT YOUR CARD- it was a winner!!! And yes the wait must have been agonizing but it arrived too late- need to improve for next year, lol...you forget USPost sucks!!!

Oh and this was the fancy pavlova with strawberries and mango we had Friday...

it was a very good round of beaching and eating all day- my favourite!!! ^^

Oh, and a secret lookout we found halfway up a windy cliff road...

Oh and a final WISH...can the bloody mosquitoes stop EATING me!!! arghhhhh


Nowhere Man said...

I'm sure in the end everyone we will be the same colour.

I think I fixed the link (googleconnect is just plain weird) so you should be back to secret ninja status ;)

I am curious about something you said in your comment about him "walking through your door". What did you mean by that?

HappyOrganist said...

I was aiming for November - didn't know I was aiming for early November.

Zz... said...

you obviously need a healthy dose of anal intj precision don't you? lol I'll have to send you some for christmas ;)

HappyOrganist said...

OR I just need people to respond to my email when I write to them several months earlier asking when their birthday is ☺