Monday, April 25, 2011


LOL okay maybe the title is more fun than the actual post...cos let's face it without chocolate this flower is fading after a busy day...

so anyway I found myself surrounded by people my age...and I felt myself feeling rather wigged out. Just cos it's so unfamiliar-the squirm factor induced was reminiscent of how I used to feel being around females. Until I spent a GOOD DEAL OF EFFORT over a period of two years learning and trying to understand the fairer sex and how to relate to them...

But seriously people my own age may as well be from another galaxy after my past few months of near exclusive 50s and up associations...if bonafide green faced aliens dropped from the sky I'd probably find I had even more in common with them than people my own age! lol.

So anyway I realised I've got a bit of an "issue" that needs addressing. Enter PROJECT: Make Age appropriate friends! Make a concerted effort to get to know and understand some and hopefully by the end of the year emerge a bit more clued in about typical people my age and with 3 new friends...the limiting criteria 10 years diameter or 5 years either side of me eg must fall in age bracket 25-35 and the tricky twist just for a bit of added IMpossibility, HAS to be a local aussie...not travellers, exotic foreigners...

I have three targets in I just need to wait till I find those rare moments where I feel up to being THAT social...LOL! Should be fun...haha, maybe I will even learn how to be more NORMAL...ha! As they say, fake it until you make it...but do I really want to? :P


HappyOrganist said...

um. Don't limit yourself ^^ (old people are cool) Maybe there's a reason you're supposed to connect with them (??)

JJ said...

I'd be more inclined to just accept who I am. If you force friendship, won't it always feel forced?

Zz... said...

neh it's just about exposure and familiarisation to get comfortable(requires some effort to understand and relate initially). whatever the case it beats looking like an adopted daughter or much much worse(!!) it LOOKS bad for young asian girls to be seen in the one on one company with old white haired men...

JJ said...

But you're not a young Asian girl. You're 30-year-old divorcee. Get up to speed, Zhen!

True, though. Where I live is a bit conservative. People here tend to recognise only three physical types: white, black, Asian. If you walked down the street with me, people would probably assume I'd bought you on the internet from somewhere in south Asia. That worried me a bit when my Sri Lankan friend Leila stayed over one weekend. Funny, all the same. I was hoping she would call me 'sahib' in the supermarket, but she doesn't have that sort of humour.

HappyOrganist said...

Um, I really wouldn't worry about it. ^^ Who cares what other people think =)

Although there's something to be said for 'avoiding the appearance of evil'.. But I don't know that I'd worry too much about socializing with old people.

'course some of we younger people are pretty fabulous. So I can't blame you for wanting to go there.....

Keep us posted =)

HappyOrganist said...

oh - JJ - forced does not always feel forced. It may only feel forced at first and then grow to actually be something. I know. ^^ heheh

Zz... said...

YEAH JJ, HO has a point- how do you think our *romance* started? hahahaha, she even sends me IRRADIATED VALENTINE'S CHOCOLATE, PINK CARDS AND STICKERS!!! You should get yourself an HO ;)

p.s yeah you have a point but that's only cos you talked to me...on the street especially when in hoodies and jeans I could pass for a carefree highschool student as long as I don't open my mouth....LOL

that's why small asian chicks all wear makeup and adult attire cos otherwise we could look -15 years...

I figure I'll get a bonafide toyboy in 15 ;)

If I ever visited you I'd go to the supermarket with you and call you whatever you wanted just for kicks ;) but I couldn't fake an asian accent even if I tried so it wouldn't be very believable...damn.