I was reading at Wiki that Prussians believed that the following virtues accounted for the rise of their country:
perfect organization
rule of law
obedience to authority
Except for a slight problem with the authority and law bits ;) I have great respect for these qualities...possibly cos some of them such as
discipline -for example- are severely lacking in me!
In any case this information arose from reading up about the fascinating life story of femme fatale and suspected "double agent"
Mata Hari. At one point she was involved with the German crown prince...
I'm not sure exactly why but for some reason ever since
Germany infiltrated my brain, it just keeps randomly enterting my consciousness and I've become completely fascinated to just keep learning more and more about everything German related I can get my hands on! So apart from being fascinated with Nazi war films and especially propaganda films of the time (when I've never been interested in history prior), and cuckoo clocks, I've been in German everything investigation mode.
So it was interesting to find out that my birthday corresponds with two very important moments in German history...not only the
Fall of the Berlin Wall marking the reunification of East and West but also that it is also the day
Germany became a republic with the withdrawal of the monarchy with the abdication of the Crown Prince and his Father.
Apart from the
Japanese, I've always felt a strong inexplicable sense of connection with Germans- I'm not sure whether it is because ideologically and historically the two cultures are in some way quite similar and are quite like me personally or whether it has to do with past lives...Or maybe I thought it would be cool to be a
Germanophile just to counter balance G's annoying
Anway just a random tangle line of jumbled thoughts...
how cool is Mata Hari...I wonder if there are still surviving blood related descendents of hers...I can't wait till 2017 when the French army will release court documents related to her trial and execution.
Sheesh who ever knew, I the rebel daughter of a former history teacher, would so many years after schooling start to actually become interested in history of my own accord...