Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting sick again...'s back in and I'm staving off disease again! :P This season has been absolutely shite in terms of infectious illness...I guess I should have rested better but this always happens...I try and make the most of it when the time starts to tick down ;) Oh well hopefully that also means I have access to loads of people to treat me which is a much easier exercise...

It was a strange day.

My friend...came barging through my door yelling and swearing with some very shocking news which left me quite numb and reflective.

It's interesting the twists life can any case nothing can really shock me anymore- I am a firm believer in fate...all the people who think you can control your life 100% are the most deluded and/or fortunate people I have ever met!

And I met an interesting random character who I haven't decided whether I want to add to my ever burgeoning collection of weird people...I really see my diverse collection of interesting peeps very much like a museum of glass head jars a la Futurama ;) Yes, H.O and Shan you are on my shelf staring at each other on opposite shelves so you can chat and drive each other crazy to your heart's content with your composite madness :)

The day before was also very strange cos I went to this chick I literally met a month ago- her b'day...and knew nobody. But when I arrived, quite a few people I never met or even heard of were So YOU'RE Zhen? This unexpected "fame" of sorts left me a little alarmed...and I felt a bit indequate to present as rather normal and unexciting compared to what they probably imagined...

In any case it was nice to know I made such a huge impression on least originally! LOL.


Unknown said...

hey thanks
that was a fun visual! I like the glass heads in jars, while I compare my collection to a musty curio shop where I am the crazy proprieter who rubs her hands together and grins evily at my macabre collection.

HappyOrganist said...

that's funny, about the impression thing. very fun.

You watch Futurama? that's a weird show. the kind of thing C likes. we don't get a channel that carries that anymore, though. just basic television (less than 20 channels, I think). but really - who needs more garbage to choose from? it's mostly junk anyway.

And Shannon doesn't drive me crazy. but you can think that if you want to ;-P

miruspeg said...

Macs I am one of those deluded people who believe we control our life 100%....:-P

I haven't always believed this but about a month ago...wham bam!! it struck me and now I BELIEVE. I feel so powerful, me and my light floating around probably giving some people the shits!

And you had your 15 minutes of fame, how cute....couldn't think of another word!

Keeping smiling mate.

HappyOrganist said...

Re: A Balanced Lifestyle

groundedness, that's a good thing
good luck! When you figure out how to do it, let me know (i'm still working on that, myself). miss flighty (me, not you.)

Zz... said...

Pegs NO WAY! how can you explain for example a person who becomes a quadraplegic cos some drunk person smashed into their car- that is a random misfortune - how can you say we have 100% control over our life?

miruspeg said...

There is no random misfortune Macs.
We will have to agree to disagree on that one!

For I feel we choose to be where we are at any given time or place.


Zz... said...

wai wai wait! what are you alluding to? karma?? EXPLAIN please! good topic for blog post ;)

so interesting you don't believe in wrong place wrong time...

Ruh-u meyyit said...

I aggre with you.We can not control over 100% ourlife.I believe fortune.But,We can decision something ourselves and We can take turn our life.For example,If a student don't study their lessons,he don't pass course intuitive probability.But,you can't control over such a misfortune stuff.

Have a nice day...

HappyOrganist said...

fun - now I get to watch Peggy and msC disagree. ha!
that's funny

my 2 cents. on some level we agreed to (a lot, if not all) of what we go through in this life. and I always like to joke "I didn't sign up for this!"

Unknown said...

yay I love a good argument that no one can win...I will withhold my comments until MsC does a post on this topic

Zz... said...

i already posted! Pegs that was your cue!!!

miruspeg said...

Listen up youngsters the old bird would like to say a few words!

I base my conclusions on absolutely NO facts. It is a belief - like I believe in my light. I believe in angels and spirits and I believe if we are aware enough we can protect ourselves from danger.

I often get a feeling/warning not to venture down that a certain road so I have learnt to not question that thought and take another route.

And when sad/bad things happen in my life I realise it is something I needed to learn to become more enlightened.

So you guys can take or leave what I believe and sock it back to me because I sure am enjoying the banter!

Love ya

Zz... said...

okay I get your gist...I just wanted to know your angle...old bird! haha I love that...I call myself grandma :)

Unknown said...

I have to agree with Pegs here...I think there is way to much we dont know so we just need to watch and learn, so to speak