Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hatted. And more!

I'll blog today's adventures later when I've had time to upload a pic of my earflap hat!!!!!!

but for now...bed! can't keep up with these youngins!!! :-p


here are the few shots where I didn't have a dumb cheesy grin plastered all over my face :-D ^^ ^^...i don't remember being this coooperative about having my photo taken since whizzing down the mountain at the luge in queenstown!

ear flap in action!

there's a bear in cute are those EARS!
for some reason since I was little I always liked dressing up as an animal...the big thing for me was tails and ears for some reason...I still have a thing for ears...which is probably why I like the earflap hat: it gives me an extra 2 pairs of ears- the bear ears and the dog-beagle ears when I let the flaps hang out! :-)

earflap detail - love the green tweed!

In any case I am so glad to be safe from the I can go out in comfort whenever I please...the girrrrls bagged me out so much for having to walk with me in my hat (cos it's seen as a bit eccentric wearing one in this very urban non alpine warm temperate country environment LOL), but at the end of the day it was I left feeling very smug when all the city slickers were freezing their asses off and having to wrap their scarves/hoodies around their head, not to mention the fashion conscious ones who went bare headed are probably lying in bed sick & sniffling...Schadenfreude! ;)
Any case last night was pretty interesting...after some pretty good German food for my mate's b'day being so hat comfortable to be out at night, I decided to stay out a bit and tagged along to a karaoke bar which was a FIRST for me being such a banana and all...
Ha! The novelty was GREAT. I felt immediately like I was in Asia...Cheeeeap Thrills!!!
The only sad part was that I really don't know all those crappy generic mainstream american bopster tunes they were playing...but at least I met a cool fun tomboy too chick and also discovered a really nice tea & whisky YUMmmmmm! and the strangest part is since drinking a bit of those 'banned substances'(shhhhh) my torticollis is gone YaY! (health properties perhaps??)...or maybe it's really all about my magic hat! :-D


Ruh-u meyyit said...

Greetings from Turkey.Have a nice day.

HappyOrganist said...

oh Joy! I think you just cheered me up. can't wait to see a picture of a hat.

(i'm not being sarcastic)

Have a good night or nap or whatever (can never keep track of the time zone thing..)

Zz... said...

yeah H.O I have taken it on to be your continual personal source of amusement ;)

Unknown said...

I can still send you an authentic Canadian earflap hat if you want one

Zz... said...

Thanks for the offer Shan but often do I need to wear earflap hats...I think one is sufficient! LOL

HappyOrganist said...

2 things:
1) You don't look nearly as young as you sound (but I'm starting to think that everyone sounds younger than they actually are. Maybe we only age on the 'outside')
2) You don't look like anyone I know (but the next 5 people I meet will look just like you. i bet)
3) You look like an acupuncturist!

and, nice hat.

I always get earaches (even in the heat) if the wind is blowing (and of course, when it's cold). So ear flaps are great. And better to have that than some very very very impractical yet fashionable bare head (or what not).

I have to shake my head at the green-tea and whiskey. And laugh that you didn't know the tunes at the karaoke bar (though i don't know what they play there - it's possible I wouldn't know them either). We have a friend (male, single, 33) who started frequenting karaoke bars (probably just one in particular) w/ his girlfriend. He loves it. Guess he is a regular up there now (on stage). kind of strange.
it's too bad. He used to not drink (and we thought a lot of him for it) ['cause he doesn't believe in drinking]. finally he lowered his standards to fit in with the new crowd he had found.
poor kid.
(this was more a comment on karaoke, btw, not bars). anyway..

that's fun.
I'll have to put a picture up with me in hair curlers.. when I get around to it. . .

Unknown said...

That is fake fur right?

miruspeg said...

I'd be very proud to walk down the street with you wearing the earflap hat and would probably steal it from you half way down the street Macs...:-P

Great to see your happy face and glad you had a fun tea and whisky...must give it a try but don't really like whisky so might try green tea and brandy.


Zz... said...

Shan...pic of you in earflap hat!! (of course it's fake-sheesh!!!)

H.O earcurler pic ;)I'm so glad you think I look older and like an acupuncturist ^^

Pegs...weird I like brandy too...I can't remember not ever liking whisky though...and I like red wine...I think I was just born with old man tastebuds- I've never been big on the typical mixers or cocktails that females seem to like...

Unknown said...

just checking ;)

I don't have one, mostly because the only people that wear them here are hippies, fishermen, drunk college guys and treehuggers, of which I am not. In fact I only wear ball caps, everything else looks like shite on me.

Zz... said...

Shan I didn't say it looked good on me either...I just think they are damn functional and I get my thrills looking like a furry animal LOL- cool...nice to know Canada is not immune to prejudice either...I'd get just as harangued in Canada as I do in Australia wearing this hat but yeah I guess I kinda fit in the treehugger hippie category anyway- which is better than freaky weirdo category which is kinda what people who wear these hats fit into here LOL

p.s yeah the hat seller told me to go for the Bratty teenybopper cap cos it looked "good"...but step at a time...that is just way too girly for me! LOL

Dina Roberts said...

I'm glad to finally see a photo of you!!!

You're very cute : )

Unknown said...

I think it looks cute on you
On me it would just look like something died on my head.

ohh but I am going to post a pic on my blog of the best hat ever just for you