Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Z scores a BIG BRO! :-D

Several years ago when all the girls were looking at older men as potential boyfriends, I must confess I was trawling through older men but with a very different idea in mind...

I was wanting one as a "Big Bro"!!!

LOL...anyway it's taken what 7 years or so but I finally GOT ONE!!! Woohoooo! yay, another long time wish that came true!

So the fact is I have a real big bro but being much older than me he left a long time ago and is very busy with a high flying career and his own family so I've always desperately missed having a "brother" figure in my life since let's face it even with big sisters, getting along with chicks ain't exactly my forte!

So anyway I was really happy when someone actually approached me and said I am like his little sister and he feels "responsible" to look out for and look after me!! The way he said it, it's almost like he believed we have this kind of specific "karma"or something!

Anyway, pretty cool I think :)


Dina Roberts said...

I was about to say I wish I had a big brother. But I do!!

My sister's husband is like a brother to me.

I think we all kind of need one....

Anonymous said...

I never had a big brother - and can't say I ever missed that.

But I'm curious as to why you don't like chicks?

Unknown said...

Big bros are great. Sometimes I wish I had one.

Call me cynical, but I'd still watch out for ulterior motives :P

Zz... said...

Dina, Yeah Big Bros are COOL :)

HS, are you very Yin?
I am too Yang- I just have to make too much effort to understand and get along with females...it doesn't come naturally and requires a lot of...EFFORT. Especially Girrrrrrls. Tomboy chicks are fine LOL But honestly...Big Bros are THE BEST- better that you don't know what you were missing out on ;)!

Els, I'm not quite as cynical as you but to appease your cynicism: my Fake Big Bro is just like my Real Big Bro: Happily Married with kids :)!