Sunday, April 5, 2009

MONKEY BOY: Favourite New Addition to Vocabulary ;)

I remember working in corporate. It seemed that anyone in any position of significance was a male and that they typically had any number of well groomed (but not particularly bright) women around to do their bidding. Heck I don't exactly fit those criteria but even I remember running around town with all manner of obscure requests being a sidekick to an M.D...

Perhaps that is why when I came to know of the term "Monkey Boy"(is this an American only expression?) recently, I instantly fell in love with it! I guess in a typical show of subversion...after my corporate stint I vowed it would be a reverse sexism...Me running a business and having a good looking but competent and intelligent male around to do My bidding! *lol exactly what every busy modern career woman needs ;)

*meh* I only talk...I have way too many libran influences to not be a fair and just employer.

In any case, I really really loved the gaining of an hour due to Daylight this a global event today? I have no idea when this happens- they should announce it more or something, if it wasn't for my dear mum ringing me up or in these techy days my laptop and mobile updating themselves I would have absolutely no idea when to turn clocks forward and back! If I was running the whole day/night light show I would so give the world an extra hour every single week- it's exactly what we tired world weary busy bees need just to recharge each week!

And just a question of curiosity...cos being my first free-ish weekend in month and ending up spending at least 12 hours on chores alone this weekend how much time do you spend on domestic household duties each week? I find myself spending an absurd amount of time tied up with chores(at least 12-20 hours a week) and I'm not exactly running anything near a Stepford wife show! Honestly just cooking cleaning laundry's like one job in itself! I have nothing but respect for housewives with babies and no help...that is one FULL FULL time job!


Anonymous said...

I try to do as little housework as I can get away with (!) Life is too short. Although I went to someone's house the other day and it was so dirty that I felt I didn't want to stay too long. I guess we all have our limits - I like to think my home is clean enough to relax in and to eat in (and not get food poisoned!!)

BTW - I had a thought about protection for you. Why not take walnut flower essence before seeing clients. This helps with psychic protection. (Let me know if it helps).

Larns said...

Hi! missed reading your blogs-but now I'm back in blogland...missed it way too much :) Cleaning is such a waste of time isn't it? It has to be done though and I'm definately a little ocd when it comes to things being neat and sorted and clean. If I have any spare time I'm usually cleaning up after my husband and the two biggest desires if I won the lotto would be to have more babies and get a maid/cook :) Xxx

Larns said...

P.S. I would so get a HOT male P.A. if I had my own business hahaha

Zz... said...

HS, Walnut flower essence? How obscure...if I can find it!!

yeah I'm no Stepford but hygiene is important! and not tripping over stuff and breaking a leg!

Larns, hehe besides the hot p.a, it'd be good to have a hot chef and a "maid" with muscles! hehe in blogland we can dream...

you're still young, you might have more bubs yet! I know so many families where there is a 10 year gap between oldest and youngest...including me!

markymark2099 said...

Thanks for the link...NOT! :P

Unknown said...

I try to do chores only when necessary and fly through them when I do. I hate wasting time doing stuff like that when there is so much other fun stuff I could be doing.
Our daylight savings was last month. The Americans made theirs earlier last year so we followed suit.

Anonymous said...

Hi Zhen,

interesting thing this daylight saving. Since I live in Holland on the northern hemishere, we have put the clock one hour ahead last week. My way to remember what to do is this: Spring = forward and fall - backwards. But it is curious that since your spring is our fall and our fall is your spring, it means that in march we put our clocks one hour ahead, you put it backwards.... You see my point?

greetings from Holland

koala brains said...

I'm not sure how much time I spend. Frankly I don't want to know b/c I already hate it so don't want to know how much time it's taking away from doing something fun. I know it must be done, though.