Friday, April 24, 2009

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

So. My Brain got Fried. It started out well enough. I sat at my study desk for almost 2 consecutive hours actually studying(not what I need to study just what I like- for me, that's doing well already!). However, unfortunately, after so many days of slacking off I just didn't have any more stamina past those 2 I have spent the last THREE hours or so in my usual favourite pursuit...roaming the internet. *sigh* I am SO disappointed in my lack of Conscientiousness and Discipline and know that the more I leave this Mountain to The Last Minute, the more trouble I am asking for...

In any case, I did find something interesting when clearing the past few weeks accumulated mess that adorned my study table...

It was a sheet of paper I had written several years back probably circa mid twenties...with that typical question you get asked in job interviews...Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time?

Only this version wasn't for impressing in job interview purposes...this was me creative brainstorming-dreaming free reign...LOL...and this was what my list said:

*Shacked up in the Blue Mountains with an artist or writer
*Practising as a TCM healer in the Mineral Springs Region.
*Running a gallery/cafe of local art in the Mineral Springs region.
*L.O.L(Lady of Leisure) married to wealthy financier in NYC...yuck-this idea no longer appeals!
*In the city still with a huge government grant for serious medical longer appeals either!
*On Kangaroo Island running a luxury B&B cottage
*Farming exotic mushrooms and other organic whatnot in some regional town
*Started some strange but unique and profitable cottage industry business
*Married to soulmate with 2 kids and a pet practising TCM part-time in some nice small town. about idealistic!!!

Oh well only time will reveal what reality holds...I've definitely got the ball rolling in a good way for the main gist of where I want my life to head anyway :)


Dina Roberts said...

I don't think those dreams are too idealistic. Well, maybe some of them. Lady of Leisure? I can't quite imagine you in that role ; )

Unknown said...

Add one more...

Opening up a joint TCM and TIM clinic with Shannon ;)

Zz... said...

Dina....haha yeah that L.O.L thing is definitely worth a *LOL!* I think that sentiment back then was definitely a parental mum always aspired that for folks are so old school!!

Shan, yeah I like that one! But so I don't have to listen to you(and me) whinge about those mind-numbing'll have to come Down Under!!! And we can share keeping a holiday houseboat on the river like in that pic you said looked like Thunder Bay so you don't get homesick too! (That was one of my more recent dreams- to have a share in holiday places all over the place with friends...besides the houseboat I want a piece of a snow chalet too...great, so we can finally take up those snowboarding/skiing lessons...)

HappyOrganist said...

I think it's great if you're not too disciplined. Procrastinating never really hurt me too much.
'course if you're gonna be stabbing people with needles, you might need to know what you're doing.

Unknown said...

we could take turns in each other's country, since our winters are opposite