Thursday, April 23, 2009

On Blogging.'s been almost a year here where I've had a public blog where people can contact me and leave me comments. It sure has been interesting. I've found some cool like-minded people, or rather, by some mysterious chance, they found me :) And I've made some awesome virtual friends which has been great always having interesting and inspiring people around the world to exchange ideas with :-)

In any case this past week has been quite interesting...I was contacted by two different websites to contribute some writing! And the week before I was contacted by a travel company if they could advertise on my blog, which I thought was pretty hilarious cos honestly it's not like my blog has any traffic...and not like I really travel!

I guess my blog is mainly an exercise in continual self reflection and self learning (with the occasional much needed ranting ;) as I track my own character how I evolve, develop, refine, accept or refute ideas over time... so I've never really cared whether anybody actually reads it or not. Ultimately it is my personal documentation archive with the plan to look back and chuckle about how I was "back in the days". If I end up having kids I know they would really love to have access to this historical archive before I cark it, but definitely not until they're pretty stable adults...and have learnt from all their own mistakes!

In many ways blogging is the ultimate self indulgence and self-validation apart from being the best psychological exploration of one's self...for me it also provides that much needed therapeutic balance to my often hectic and blinkered life where I continually seem to be in a state of cumulative stress and never-resting busy bee-ness...

I have had some funny requests.

I think the first memorable weird one was a marriage proposition several pages CV style with a large photo of prospective suitor on the front. I think it is since then that my avatar has been the back of the little person you see now haha. The next wacky one I remember was being asked by some funny glasses company to write a promo for their product on my blog(but when I contacted them to send me their product to try so that I could review it, they never wrote back...scammers!) In any case, I also thought that was funny and I think when I wrote back I questioned their business sense, since it would make more sense to ask someone with a blog that actually has traffic LOL! Maybe rather than being scammers they didn't write back cos they realised I had a Point LOL.

The next memorable moment was having one of my New Year pics picked up by an online news was exciting to be "published", for a minute.

And now these latest invites seem like something I'd find fun...too bad I don't have time! Sheesh if my study career stuff wasn't so 24-7 all consuming, so many things I could do! It is so hard to stay focused and get really good at ONE thing when it is in one's curious nature to know about EVERYTHING and dip one's finger in EVERY pie! Scattered and ineffectual- my constant life challenge - Discipline...but at least there is never a dull moment!

In any case we'll see maybe in the holidays I'll look into doing paid writing gigs... it'll be good to have that experience to build up a portfolio for later when I have established my healing practice and want to take up some health writing on the side (cos being a full time healer is just way too draining on my person).... and it's not like when I move to some regional area that there are many other jobs that would appeal...

So I've enjoyed having a yarn reflecting on my blogging experience to date but Duty Calls!! Later!!


Dina Roberts said...

That's pretty cool!

I once had someone ask me to review their product for my homeschooling blog. I tried to tell them that hardly anyone reads that blog. He wanted me to review it anyway.

Then I had someone ask me to mention their website on my blog. It was for hotels. They said they'd donate ten dollars to charity. I told them I don't mention stuff unless I've actually used it. The charity thing bothered me. If they want to be generous, they should just send in a donation. They shouldn't use it as a bribe.

Unknown said...

Oh I am jealous! I would love to get paid to write. It would seem like cheating though, like getting paid to eat chocolate or getting paid to sleep.
If you ever find the time you should totally do it! But you owe me an email first ;)

markymark2099 said...

You have a talent for writing, so I'm not surprised! Could be a fun and enjoyable money earner on the side :)

Ian said...

Happy (nearly) first birthday!

You haven't told us whether you married your suitor - he sounds like quite a catch! I hope you didn't reject him as it sounds like he put a lot of effort into that CV....;-)

James said...

A marriage proposal, wow? Congratulations on your first anniversary. Here's to many more, and to growing older disgracefully and embarassing those kids with your blog when they hit their teenage years,

koala brains said...

Go for it!

Zz... said...

Dina, I'm not surprised you have been approached to mention hotels...with your blog I think the $10 "bribe" was pretty stingy in the first place!!! I think influential bloggers like yourself should write a disclaimer so that people know that things endorsed or mentioned you're not getting paid for...

Shan...I reckon you could so do paid writing gigs...and you have time...maybe you should start looking! Even though it would be cool, I don't know, once something you do for leisure becomes a "job" somehow I don't think I'd like or be able to do it...just like Koala Brains who has such enviable totally saleable talents.

M, you always call it verbal diarrhoea :p

Ian, haha I am totally past the "dramatic life" stage thanks...hehe why I love (but felt terribly guilty) reading about yours ;)

James, the internet is full of creepy's pretty common when you're the same token, your blog could be a great tool to reel in some hot Swedish boy ;)I still hold high hopes for you - don't disappoint me by running off with a non-Swede! That would be as treacherous as Dina wanting to be a Kiwi!

miruspeg said...

Macs - I agree with Mark
"You have a talent for writing".
I always enjoy coming over here and reading the gems of an Old Soul!
Happy anniversary mate and keep ranting and reflecting.


Dina Roberts said...

Maybe I should write a disclaimer. But I've only been approached that one time (on the Aussie blog) and one time on the homeschooling blog.

I wouldn't mind having advertisements on my blog...but NOT inside the posts themselves.

And yes, it would be awful if I decided to be Kiwi. Although that would make me closer to Australia. We actually did consider moving there. Our friend lived there so Tim talked to him about us getting a job maybe. But our friend never wrote back about it. Oh! That's the same guy in the old picture that you thought was my husband.