Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Those Tell-Tale Signs...

You know someone is in the midst of some kind of "life crisis" when something funny happens to their appearance/hair e.g Britney Spears...or the metro guy who's hair precious who shaves it all off after he gets dumped?!

so, I was waaaaay overdue for my locks to be trimmed and having the serendipitous gift of finishing early due to an exam, I seized the opportunity...

when the lady said "how would you like it?"

my response was

"Don't know/don't care, just cut it!" (in a nice tone though). LOL (that's my usual response anyway, hair grows back it's not something that I'm particularly attached to unlike the typical girly girl).

So anyway rather than just a straightforward trim, she took the liberty of "fashioning my hair" into a pretty different hairstyle...complete with FRINGE (cos that is just so "in" right now)...

I have not sported a fringe since the age of 12! weird.

Now I really don't recognise myself. My first impression was "I think I look like a supercute cartoon character". Definitely more asian- perhaps even anime-esque?

If I wear my glasses as well my friend thinks I resemble a supernerd- I guess I look a bit like an Asian Daria(3rd from left) but with short hair where as previously I looked more like Jane(2nd from left)...note both of their "not impressed" facial expressions? yeah that part only came after 8 months of being back in the city and now seems a permanent fixture until I manage to escape...

This new hairstyle is definitely quirky- can't wait to show my girly friend E who is going to scream lol looking forward ;) She, quote: "I Hate you with short hair!"(soooo superficial!), plus she also hasn't any appreciation for quirkiness='downright abnormal'...LOL we both know if it weren't for school there is no way in hell we would ever have managed to become such good friends! The girls at school all advised me to not cut but grow it out long and feminine but eh, not a fan- too high maintenance, and I guess I was in the mood for different...I guess a little quirky expresses my inner personality more accurately. Before I looked really normal conventional and boring...

BEFORE: think Juno

ie: ponytail is extent of "hairstyle"

NOW: it's more like Amelie but longer.

so, more belong at an artsy fartsy design exhibition or low budget amateur film competition *LOL definitely got the daydreaming bit down pat! will be interesting to take note of whether I get treated differently and how...


koala brains said...

Your comment on seeing if you will be treated differently and how, I will be curious to hear if it changes you. Short hair makes me sassier and dress funkier. Well, that was when I used to work and I had somewhere to go and look cute but I'm not a schlump now either. Email me a pic, would love to see.

Zz... said...

damn who knew that BLOWDRYING made all the difference?! I woke up this morning with yet another completely different(pretty dero actually) hairstyle...lucky I had the good sense to take pic before I slept on it cos I wouldn't know how to get it back to that...will send you when I get chance to upload :)

p.s i always act the same - time, appearance and context don't change me at all...

p.p.s i am a total schlump :) I can't be bothered wasting precious time- I like to be out the door in 5 minutes!

Anonymous said...

Is your fringe really like Amelie's? That's a terrible fringe - her hairdresser should be fired! And I thought the French were supposed to be chic?

P.S. The good thing about hair is that it grows! (If you don't like it... wait a while. A bit like Irish weather.)

Zz... said...

Healingstones, LOl agree with your is way too manufactured. my hair isn't THAT quirky but just felt so relative to Juno Ponytail- more like a side fringe and apparently it was classy "aka less daggy" (for the all of few hours that it lasted LOL) but yeah it seemed a little unnatural for hippie me...

interesting comment re expectations of the French to be chic...yeah totally agree! I find people often put everything French on a pedestal esp in this city where people are pretty pretentious and think if they use a french word that they're so high society and cultured(great marketing tool for suckers actually) aside, actually I find Italian design hip!

hehe first day with awkward unblowndried unstyled hair -too aware to leave it out in public so tied ponytail and lots of PINS!!! LOL now I learnt my lesson...short hair can be high maintenance too - no more adventures in hair can't wait for daggy convenient ponytail to grow back!