Sunday, September 7, 2008

Leap of Faith

Now that I meet so many new people relative I'm starting to wonder: How do you tell if someone is..."Kosher"? I'm starting to try and go with irrational first gut instincts, but if that's not in working condition I'm starting to wish that people just came with verifiable references...such is my innate distrust of the majority of random strangers :p

In the end, I think getting to know new people is very much a leap of faith because you have the completely sane people that can come across as weird or nutty but aren't actually, the completely sane seeming people who are actually hiding a completely insane interior but you only discover that later on etc...

one of my quirkier mates once affirmed it is all the seriously conventional normal seeming people who are actually the true screwballs hiding the weirdest things, not the people that come across as different or interesting. I guess that's what you call repression. LOL

So conclusion? Unfortunately, there's no way to really know but to jump in the deep you just gotta cross your fingers, open your eyes and Be Brave!


Kathi D said...

I agree, you need to just jump in. My inclination is to assume everyone is a Good Person until they prove me wrong. Most of the time they are good. Not necessarily someone who will be a best buddy, but good.

Unknown said...

I TOLD multiple personalities are completely under control.

What? No, not you, the other one. Shhh.

lol just kidding!:)

koala brains said...

This is something that is on my mind often. Since moving to the 'burbs and basically starting from scratch with my social circle (which is non-existent and frankly, I'm fine w/ that), I am finding it difficult to meet people I really click with. Partly it's me b/c I am set in my ways and if something about that person irks me, I have no problem moving on. I have to laugh, I'm probably one of those seemingly normal people but really I'm weird based on suburban standards. People who are outwardly different, I think, follow the saying, what you see is what you get. The older I get, the real me is coming out. I say, go for it and if they don't float your boat, move on.