Friday, July 22, 2011

People often wonder...

Why I'm Single...

So I had a think about it and this was the best I could come up with...

1. I'm FUSSY and don't want to settle for substandard, want an EQUAL or preferably someone more admirable.

2. I'm attracted to just about NOBODY in this country.

3. I've always been far removed from the rest of society so don't meet many people.

4. I don't feel I need any more COMPLICATION to my life.

5. I kinda like my personal space and time....and not good with others cramping my style...

6. I already met the Twin Flame! :)

So if those are not good reasons I don't know what are...

And apart from that maybe when you are close to God you just don't really feel any "voids" that need to be filled in your life :)


Franko Gnedo said...

or maybe because you look like a SMURFETTE? sorry. just teasing.

JJ said...

So what happened to Twin Flame?

JJ said...

I think you're papering over a problem. I think I recognise the symptoms. I'm not sure there's anything we can do about it.

Zz... said...

I only WISH I was THAT cute FG lol! Not really I would never choos to be blonde and blue-eyed...I'd be a smoky brunette with green or piercing blue eyes...

JJ....I had a ring on my finger from someone else. what is the problem...if it is complex you can email me the complicated analysis lol...I really feel my biggest problem is No2. Maybe the only solution is to jump into the deep end and see what becomes of the experiment, lol...I've been holding off -there is a fairly intriguing one waiting