Monday, August 29, 2011

Just be You.

I don't know why there is such a need to define all the time with me...maybe it is my INTJ which loves all the labelling and neat categorization and compartmentalization think...SHELDON from Big Bang! :D

Anyway my city slicker friends call me country bumpkin but then I know REAL country bumpkins that like talking about cows all day ;) (That ain't me...LOL)

Also even my music taste...lately I've been indulging my taste for the electro sound listening to the unique experimental style of one of my music heroes MARTIN DOSH and the electropop of CUT COPY....hardly country bumpkin fare, more like the teenybopsters of any major metro city!!

So yeah I need to learn how to accept being neither full black nor white and just live with the speckled egg of white black and grey that is ALL me as well as the yellow-white banana thing I have happening, lol...innate complexity is a good thing...just cos most people don't seem to have's okay to be a super minority...would be nice to live in a country and culture where more INs existed though...and to be understood by a majority rather than a very teeny tiny rare spark of genius, lol...


JJ said...

My theory: I think you're deliberately perverse. I think if you lived in a country where the majority understood you, you'd redefine yourself in order to stay out of step.

Or am I just seeing a reflection?

Important note:

Perverse isn't the same thing as perverted.

Zz... said...

Maybe JJ...subversive would be a better word I think...yeah I do have a bit of the FK in me(Frida Kahlo)...

James said...

You're an INTJ also?

Zz... said...

yup, albeit far more of the I part than you I any case we worked this out a while the memory...someone is getting old ;)