Friday, May 22, 2009

A Difficult Case of "High Maintenance"

I was "unwinding" the week over a drink with company, and suddenly it struck me...I was bored. Not just bored bored but BOOOOORED. I'd heard it all before. I already knew every detail, in detail.

And then it occurred to me that I'm such a pain in the arse: totally high maintenance. So difficult to keep interested. Always in need of constant brain candy... interesting, varied, conversation/mental stimulation.

The problem with people relations is that, inevitably, after you've known someone for some time, the content/dynamic starts to get a little...static. I don't find I have this problem in any other situation. For example I can go on a nature walk or sit on the same beach and never get bored. Or I can watch films or listen to music or indulge in reading some new learning material.

On a nature walk I can sit observing ants at a nest going about their business for quite a while or examine the different variations in the barks and leaves of different trees. On the beach I can watch the everchanging waves, the people going about their various activities, the little marine life that abounds in rockpools, the changing colours of the sky or be intrigued by the new patterns blown in the sand.

But with people...I tend to get Bored with a capital "B". Maybe this is just the case for all major introverts? I'm not yet sure whether this is a resolvable problem. I guess for a while now, the wonderful array of "interesting characters" on the internet and their blogs have been fulfilling this need somewhat...

I think once you get older and your social circle shrinks dramatically in depth and's a bit of a problem to be this way. I guess this "issue" accounts for why I am always most drawn to creative, atypical, multi-layered, multi-faceted people...the types of people who given minimal tools and equipment can always create and invent something...wonderfully new and refreshing.

Sometimes I get tired of invariably always bearing the burden of having to generate. Maybe I just need to find more wacky, abnormal people in my real life...people who can help share the load...


Unknown said...

oh my god we are fricken identical twins seperated at birth who look nothing alike! ;)

I am the same way. Everything fascinates me except most people. Bring on the deserted island!

Zz... said...

yeah that's probably why you are one of the few persons I will still want to know in 60 years.

BTW did you know that being easily bored and needing constant mental stimulation is a common trait of psychopaths? lol.

dissident said...

You're more like me then I realize. I'd say find someone who likes to do these things who doesn't feel constant pressure to keep on trying to talk all the time and can just shut up and enjoy the simple things... and at the same time lets you do your own thing and doesn't try to control you. Just share the enjoyment of sitting silently, watching the ants crawl around together.

I didn't think there was anyone else in the world who got enjoyment from watching ants crawl around. :D I don't get bored easy by myself. Anywhere it's warm, green, and I can pull out a chair or blanket and read, or just enjoy the surroundings, I'm happy. Inevitably when talking I'm bored with the conversation within 5 minutes, whereas people I work with can seemingly talk for hours, and hours, and hours, on and on.. I should listen to see what they are talking about sometime!

Izzy said...

I, as a whacky abnormal person, will happily volunteer to share some of the load... Without a constant change of scenery, life would be quite boring.

HappyOrganist said...

MsC, has your social circle shrunk dramatically in depth and breadth as you've gotten older? I think my own has increased w/ time/age.

Unknown said...

haha really?
Excellent. One more thing I need to worry about

HappyOrganist said...

Congratz on your current status! I can see you're finally making some headway ;-D "..epitome of self-discipline. I enjoy studying. I am a good student. I am a good student. I am a good student. Studying is fun..."
I love this; laughed out-loud as the page was loading. ;)

Anonymous said...

Deberia de escribir en ingles... para que los demas sepan de que hablo... pero si lo hago cuando vas a practicar el idioma español, por lo menos a leerlo?.. Creo que el dia de ayer(o cuando haya sido), no fue un buen dia. o mas bien una buena semana para ti... se puede percibir un ligero tono de amargura en tus palabras... digo no somos tan malas las personas.... aunque hay casos excepcionales... te entiendo porque es dificil encontrar personas con gustos e ideas afines a las de uno mismo. pero sino las buscas ellas solas no llegaran a ti....con respecto a la naturaleza... tienes la absoluta razon, creo que armonizar con las cosas animadas que nos rodean, son una manera hermosa de estar en consonancia con el universo, y creeme que no es tan facil lograrlo.
Leyendo esto, creo que el dia que veas las peliculas de ANDREI TARKOVSKI, simplemente te ENAMORARAS de el,se te saldran las lagrimas de ver como un ser humano fue capaz de plasmar en imagenes esas cosas que piensas de la naturaleza; quedaras maravillada de como los personajes principales de sus peliculas son: el agua, el ambiente, los paisajes, animales, etc.. en todas sus peliculas se toca esto, pero sobre todo en STALKER, La cual basicamente su sinopsis es sobre un lugar caótico, fuertemente resguardado por fuerzas del ejército, debido a que ha caído un meteorito. Esto ha ocasionado que surja un fenómeno llamado La Zona, dentro del cual, se dice, hay una habitación donde quien entre podrá hacer realidad su mayor sueño o deseo. Tres hombres -un guía (Stalker), un escritor y un científico- deciden emprender el viaje y adentrarse en algo que no logran prever. Esta idea de cumplir los sueños, repito, es peligrosa. ¿Sabemos lo que queremos realmente? O, quizás, ¿es sólo un mero pretexto para justificar nuestra existencia? No es novedad que a la existencia hay que darle un significado, una intención, una meta. Sin ese piso existencial nos encontramos parados en arenas movedizas. el tiempo, el espacio, dudas existenciales, descubrirse a si mismos, una trama sencilla; algo tan sencillo que penetra e influye profundamente en tu "status quo" como ser humano mortal y que hace que nos vamos tan insignificantes cuando navegamos en esos sitios tan desconocidos para nosotros.
Imaginate entrar en una habitacion en donde las cosas que sueñas se hacen realidad, estarias dispuesta a recorrer el camino para llegar alli??. hay un pastor aleman negro (que ayuda a descubrir o mas bien a darle forma a esas inquietudes de los protagonistas). he alli el meollo del asunto, por ello Tarkovski fue de esos seres que dejaron su huella imborrable en este planeta cuando mas estaba necesitado de esas ideas. Creo que el solo vio crecer y cuido la semilla que plantaron Nietzsche, Hegel, Sartre, Hesse, y Bretton, Dostoievski, y demas filosofos y escritores, por mencionar algunos y sin demeritar a otros no menos importantes. he aqui una anecdota de el:
Durante un intercambio con estudiantes de Colorado, un joven le vio como un gurú o un guía espiritual y le inquirió acaloradamente: "Señor Tarkovski, ¿qué debo hacer para ser feliz?" Esta era una pregunta bastante normal según los cánones de allí, pero para Andrei resultó completamente estrambótica. Interrumpió la conversación y preguntó: "¿Qué es lo que quiere este joven? ¿Por qué hace preguntas tan estúpidas?".
Kzrysztof Zanussi, cineasta polaco.
No copies nunca a la naturaleza. El artista debe ser como el Creador mismo. Él mismo debe crearlo todo. (Andrei Tarkovski).
ya me alarge, pero creo que en pocas palabras lo que quise decir es no te aburras de las cosas humanas animadas que ves a diario, preocupate cuando ellas ya no te generen el sentimiento de aburricion!.
PD1. las peliculas de Tarkovski son como la cancion de The Beatles(John Lennon): A Day in the Life,.... La persona que empieza a escuchar "A Day in the Life" por primera vez no es la misma que la que acaba de hacerlo. En esos 5 minutos y medio, hay algo que cambia para siempre.

koala brains said...

Craziness, my thoughts exactly except you articulated it better than I could've! I am so drawn to the same kind of people you described which is why it's hard for me to connect with people where I live because I am stuck in cardboard genericville! All my wacky friends live 30-60 minutes away (in town w/ different lifestyles) so it's not often that I get to see them. I have met interesting people online via blogs so that's been a nice surprise.