Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Comforting Thought...

My Dearest friend S always has a refreshing spin on things...Today it was:

"Ever get the feeling that we're normal and the rest of the world is crazy?"


lol, I guess I could afford to flex my perception...maybe being a minority doesn't necessarily imply that we're the weirdos!

Apart from that...I forgot to report on the outcome of my friend going to town on my hair...I think carefully styled I could pass as a bonafide Wii Avatar :) Luckily I don't own girly accessories cos she so wanted to stick a bow on me Hello Kitty style! In any case I'm loving short hair again...the only reason why I grew it long was cos a ponytail is convenient in summer and I look more my real age with longer I look 18 again...albeit like a very tired world weary one. Apparently the way to tell how old an asian really is is by the eyes...

I am still incredibly exhausted from the past week...I don't know how I'm supposed to get the bare minimum of study done-arghhhh!


Anonymous said...

Short hair is so much easier to take care of. I always notice it when I'm washing my hair right after a hair cut.

Unknown said...

You are making me want to cut my hair short again too. Except being a pasty white girl I definitely would look older.

I will keep it long until the grey hairs force me to chop it all off. Im going to email you when I wake up, I need sleepies. Later!

koala brains said...

I go back and forth - short, long, short, I'm going for long. Short hair is so liberating. I had super short spikey hair in my 20's and loved it. I guess I don't have to get that extreme. You can tell an Asian's age by their eyes? I wonder what my eyes say about my age?