Thursday, January 15, 2009

Zhen in Overdrive.

Wow, it's been a WHOLE 3 days since my last post! LoL.

I've actually been pretty busy and been entertaining heaps of different 'possibilities' as well as trying to indulge my various hobbies(I have way too many)...maybe blogging has gotten old and I've done enough introspection and self-reflection that it will now take more of a backseat...

I was out and about and happened to bump into a guy I met about a year ago briefly and then met briefly about 6 months later and now as circumstances have it I think I'll be seeing a whole lot more of him whether I wanted to or not! It kind of made me chuckle because it is yet another blatant reminder of how for me things just happen or don't depending on whether conditions are favourable at the time. There are few people I meet and can mutually get along with really well straight away and know I can be good friends with, so I'm grateful for this unexpected surprise...and the coolest thing is he will be my first musical real life friend locally gigs here I come! I have to admit since my travels, I had been feeling a bit sorry for myself when my last decent friend connection flew back to the other side of the world...and just last night I was complaining to my overseas musician friend how I have no local music afficionado friends here...I guess I'm still bathing in the warmth of this angel- genie granting wishes- kind of's nice^^ ^^ ^^! (And yes the triple numbers continue :)

In any case I have regained some enthusiasm to get back into my career stuff and my latest ambitious project is to start learning Chinese Mandarin, (at least for a herbal&medical context), hopefully with some regular weekly lessons from my's actually really hard for me but you gotta do what you gotta do...the first thing I need to do is clear my study room and desk which had over the past few months become a receptacle for a giant mountain of accumulated crap....yikes! Not looking forward to it...

Also getting back onto the health improvement thing - finally got back to yoga last night, bought loads of fresh food today, menu planning and cleared out my overzealous pantry and going back to the time sucking task of boiling herbal brews for daily consumption...


Caroline said...

Ahhhhhh...loved this post. Zhen has a boyfriend...lalalala...


Also, my lens is a 55-250 IS (image stabilizer). If I didn't have the IS function all my photos would be blurry and shaky!

Zz... said...

You Fire types are so hopelessly single-minded...sorry to disappoint but none of Zhen's "boyfriends" justify the extravagant use of the "lalala"...

Zhen IS tied her studies^^!lol

But yeah thanks re lens info...I REALLY need to save up for an IS lens- this DSLR is so annoying and blurry otherwise! I want to get the 17-55mm one except it is $1500! maybe I should get your one first and just stand further away! The IS is soooooo NECESSARY! *argh* frustration.

miruspeg said...

Live music, way to go McKenzie. I love going to gigs.
Your body will thank you for the health improvements and you will have so much more energy.
Getting BALANCE in your life eh!!!

Anonymous said...

I won't comment on the 'boyfriend' *sniggers*

I am fascinated by Mandarin. My Chinese friend was telling me that the way you say a word really matters and there can be several meanings just from the intonation. And then there is the actual way it is written down - looks so beautiful - and so HARD to do right!