Yup, if I could choose any culture to be I'd probably choose something in the Latin/South America region...they have the looks, the food, the music, the rich and colourful culture...not to mention an amazing respect for women!
Not sure what is going on but maybe my stark monocultured environment is getting to me...either that or I'm starting to appreciate my asian roots...
I think though that my character would be a trifecta of three cultures: the European(most like Germany), the Asian(most like the Japanese) and the Spanish influenced (most like a Mexican, or maybe an Argentinian or Chilean...
Anyway apparently I need to get to Thailand...apparently that's the halfway meeting point offered by my Euro friends that don't want to come here...
I think the landscape alone is worth it...but I guess if you don't like nature and photography it's not that appealing...I would have thought it'd be interesting just to experience a completely different culture...but then I guess we're not THAT exciting compared to other parts of the world with more colourful cultures and much older histories&cultures that still prevail today.
Friends? Plural? How many more Euros have said 'Meet me in Bangkok?'
Quite a few actually and you are not the first this year either! I TOLD you i get on with EUROS :D just too bad i don't fly so that's why i never have...
Bit of a tart, then?
you wish!
That's a bit of a coincidence I arrived in Thailand the night before you posted this! just got back. Thailand is an amazing place!! I even surfed every day! a post or two should come out of this trip.
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