Sunday, November 28, 2010

Overheard: Sydney...from a Brit's Perspective

JJ this post is dedicated to you-how timely, on your birthday!!! so smooth...yikes, people might start suspecting me of being a Sagittarian, lol...

So, I was sitting on the bus tonight...when this COMPLETELY drunkard man plops himself next to me almost rolling over- has absolutely no sense of polite own bubble space, turns on this annoying noisy little radio which you're not sure if holding to his ear he is talking to it or listening to it, goes and harrasses old people on a nearby seat, starts ranting something about the war and Germans, stinks of something like red wine and drinks something out of a stained takeaway coffee cup which judging by the heavy reek was probably red wine.

So anyway an amused Brit sitting on an adjacent seat to me is chatting to his friend (back home) on his mobile phone...I overheard him saying something along the lines of:

"So you know Sydney is so famous for all its beaches and all that...well you know what else there are SHATLOADS OF TWATHEADS as well! "(He said something like that...not sure if I caught the expressions right, if they are the expressions I'm very amused :)...the gist I got if I were to translate it into Australian...that Sydney also has shitloads of serious loonies and wacked out people all over the place."

Anyway he was listening to the drunkard and laughing and I was listening to him and laughing while trying to avoid the drunkard sitting on me and falling all over me. If I was in a less tolerant mood and had a big old handbag I would have just wacked the drunkard over the head, (or was at least tempted in my imagination...)

Anyway I am sooooo tired....totally socially drained and exhausted and need bed desperately so will leave this very clumsy inarticulate post here...I just thought it was funny.

Revelation: I am not a social retard.

I had forgotten that I can actually be highly sociable-it's more about do I find people interesting enough that will compel me to talk and interact? Toyboy lured me to a party promising Germans!!! It was SO HARD to drag myself out of the house believe me I was feeling so sick, tired and anti-social...but I'm glad I went...(for the pie and cake, haha) It was actually fun...cos there was familiarity with people and place...hence I was comfortable and the crowd was all..."real" (genuine, non pretentious) people which I can handle and the bonus was I met two interesting people. As the wise chick I met told me...the difficult part is getting yourself to go out but most of the time you end up having fun....I even surprised myself on this front!

In any case toyboy got my hopes up and lured me under false pretences... a Belgian and a Brit...whadda disappointment, lol...oh well at least Europeans...that play chess! haha...

So yeah revelation: Zhen is not such a social retard after all :) Was pretty impressive and impressed myself!!! And happens all over again...well, leaving the house for social's just this weekend...something strange in the air perhaps...

p.s Venus Aqua pattern continues...yup another one!!! It's like INSTANT CLICK and probability defying...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Sound of Suffering...

It's like just a silent reel with slides of faces of anguish and screaming...more powerful than if it came with audio.

I hate hospitals. As a HSP it's just way too much sensory overload...I think to survive working in one day in day out one has to either be completely insensitive, uncompassionate and unfeeling (NOT a water sign) or completely deaden their senses...

The compelling urge is there to just shut your eyes and cover your ears...but then those niggling intuitive antennae pick up lots too- not sure how to close that off!

Best is...avoid them whenever possible!


Monday, November 22, 2010


Busy Bustling Buzzing tired.

When I get seriously tired...exhausted...first thing to go that is most obvious is the piggy enthusiasm for all things foodie and accompanying appetite. Not sure why...I guess just there is no energy left to fuel the digestive processes...

prior to that when exhaustion is still at "manageably tired", probably the first thing to go is the vision and mental extra capacity for prolific desire to even turn on the computer.

So...that's that...until next time My Blogger Peeps!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Can Ducks Smell?

So anyway lately I have been visiting my old town....whadda...SANCTUARY!

I'm tempted to just pack in all ambitions and go back there and get a job as a check out chick just for the peace and quiet space and ease of breathing and constant...stress free JOY.

Everybody needs a Sanctuary. I have one or a few in the city and one or a few out of the city, but not sure if that is enough, if I had my way the only place I would exist would always be a sanctuary.

In any case in my one of the ones out of the city...I get visited by this very specific husband and wife duck couple...

they are so good to drop by and say "Hi!"when I'm in town no matter what time or place that I wondered "Can Ducks Smell?" As in, are they able to discern my unique smell and know it's me in town and hence come to visit?

My friend tells me "Sure they can smell they have nostrils on their bill!" Whaddaya know! I have some Good Duck Friends!!-wow, that just makes my day! LOL

In other daily trivia I just had to post a pic of this fantastic card

sent to me by my blogger friend HO....Gosh I love this card...especially the little cupcake in the lollypop if you look carefully. I showed my mum and she sighed with exasperation and just said "just like a little kid!" LOL, HO you are included...she thinks you are a child too...except I defended you that you have 3 rugrats, lol.

In any case I also thought the sticker was a good call...

p.s if you were interested, I don't eat duck...every duck is my friend...I LOVE DUCKS!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scorpio with Venus in Libra Girl...

Oh the trials and tribulations...

I'm finding my astrology (okay maybe I am unfairly blaming rather than accepting personal responsibility, lol) significantly challenging...I guess if you add an INTJ to anything - well, at a 1%of the population prevalence perhaps we are a MINORITY for a reason! :P

In any case not sure if it is just the time of the year or the time of the month or whatever but I'm finding that most people...GRATE! arghhhhhhhhhh.

Except Venus in Aquarians...they never ever grate...where can I find more of these elusive species? I'm not kidding it is rare I get along well with people and voila the last 4 people I met in the last 2 years that I found incredibly no hair pulling effort EASY to get along with turned out to have their Venus in Aquarius!!!

Not sure why but it's a very compelling pattern I find in my life...

Healthwise...things seem to be on the up and that is fantastic...maybe soon I can start making progress again...FORWARD progress! How do I know? Well I have been very hungry, eating lots, have energy to cook, make some trips...enough wellness to get RESTLESS and bored again...pondering what is next for the Zhen?

Friday, November 12, 2010

One Conflicting Cat

My Dog calls me a Conflicting Cat. I'm not sure why some people (like me) have to be this way.

We want A but also B so we end up compromising on A-B and getting neither A nor B.

Also on Monday we want A but on Tuesday we want B actually on Monday morning we may want A and by Monday noon we decide we actually want B...this results in a lot of confusion for those around us. I guess it is not unlike dealing with a certifiable Nutcase. So thank God there are a few special people in the world that can deal with these ongoing discrepancies and are patient and tolerant- me for one would probably just fling myself onto the ground into a heap of surrender and say "I give up already- you are SO DIFFICULT-you cause me too much stress-I give up there are easier fish to fry!" LOL maybe that is what made my mother stop trying to dye her hair and let it all go white...

Ohhh noooo it's no good to be a Granny!

I can't believe I have been waiting aaaages for my favourite band of the contemporary era to FRIGGIN COME DOWN UNDER again and I missed out on tickets...*sigh* feel FLAT now.

Not sure why I hesitated...I guess I forgot that in the years since I saw them they've become big name superstars so Old Granny wasn't fast enough in her little golf buggy!

Boo Hoo. I guess though that means more $ for other artists gigs...but I do feel that Down Under is often a wasteland in terms of being able to have access to good music just cos the distance is so so far for Northern hemisphere musos to have to come...

I'm tempted to go interstate to catch them...but hmph, already had to forfeit several planned trips this year cos of probably not...can't get tickets so far in advance! It's each day as it comes these days...not like before I used to plan the day, the week, the month, the year in advance...I was always completely scheduled at least a month in it's really...spontaneous...things on a whim. There are benefits to this I guess...I am far more relaxed and well rested for one...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I'm in a trivial mood lately...

so I answer some poor INTJ admirer's question which made them surf into my blog probably to much disappointment, lol

Their question was:

"What do INTJs look for physically in a mate?"

No offence, but that is one of the most idiotic seeming questions this INTJ has ever's all about the MIND. THE MIND. If an INTJ can connect with your MIND or rather you can connect with and even more impressive...tolerate theirs then you're in with a shot as long as your mug is half way acceptable...the body can always be worked on, hehe

Other than that two random things that irk this week:
>Non natural fibre clothing and bedding
>Oil droplets hanging around in living room areas from cooking without extraction fans...

No offence but...

just about everyone particularly under the age of 40 bar INTJs strike me as kinda...seriously...NUTS!!!

Just a random thought...the funniest part is that my INTJ friend happened to come to the very same conclusion re that most people seem INSANE on the very same day!

See, you think we're weird, us INTJs...the green aliens are looking right back at ya...haha

Had a really good day yesterday(probably cos it was a day free of above forementioned crazies!)

Actually it was such a good day I think I will do the same every year...but I'm not blogging the details lol...too many people would be laughing their pants off at me :P

Anyway thanks for your wishes :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Love to Pray...

The first few minutes of my birth day (the wee hours) were interrupted by a cacophony of electronic flutterings and the third call for that night from a dear friend drunk as hell suffering trauma from an event earlier that evening.

Since we are very close, I felt myself deeply troubled by association. And I woke mid wee hours of the morning still I turned to God and I prayed for this friend. And God, in all his faithfulness (like always these days cos the line's no longer fuzzy) answered...offering me a message which I passed on to this friend, a too early in the morning lengthy, deep text catering counsel to his particular troubles, which I think he is getting to used to by now, lol!

Before in matters of concern I used to turn to the menagerie of my friends and take a broadly diverse "survey" of counsel but now this process has become redundant cos I have far more effective means of resolving issues or getting comfort^^...

So anyway, the revelation I have on my birthday...I Love to Pray and I Love God's faithfulness in how he answers. I feel truly blessed to have this connection :)

Monday, November 8, 2010


LOL as far as Self Help Books go this is probably at the top of the list- funny I know so many people who have read this but I for one had never been interested enough to even open it if it was in front of my nose...I guess I was always so confident that I didn't& don't need it! LOL hey, give me some credit for being honest - sure I might be waaaay narcissistic but aren't you at least IMPRESSED that I dare to say what all other people in this society can think but keep to themselves out of "propriety". I prefer complete honesty any day WARTS & ALL, lol so I give it as good as I expect...

So anyway my mate who is a real charmer that gets along with everybody and anybody decided to give this book to me...LOL I wonder why? If he was a worser friend I definitely would almost have been offended! So maybe he thinks I need it but the truth of the matter is, as an INTJ, I really don't care enough..I really reflected on it and it is a choice: I know for a fact that if I really think someone is worth being friends with or influencing ie: I see a purpose... I can so do it! But will read obediently and post if there are any lighthouse moments I get worth reporting :P

Apart from that my love of genuine old fogeys continues...they are soooo freaking interesting I think I'm developing a "thing" for talking to random old people...just cos young people are so so damn boring- I've totally given up on associating with them. LOL So yes on Saturday I met Michael and today I met Mary. Hi Hi through the ether from that random asian grandma hidden inside a girl's facade you met by chance^^

It was quite like looking at myself...

I'm talking about the portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network...(minus the total geekiness, nerdiness and intellectualism of course, lol)

Other sources have typed him as an INTJ or INTP, so that makes sense....

In any case I realised that although I am not a misanthropist, I still prefer my own company to the company of 90% of other people anyday. Most of what I need in terms of people interaction is discussion of ideas...if I get that mind candy fix discussing ideas etc which the net is great for, I am pretty content... I don't really get the non purposeful human interaction side of things...

Not sure why not wanting to socialize with other people so much always makes me feel so guilty. I guess cos we get socialised from young that it is unacceptable to be anti-social and a hermit and to actually choose this lifestyle over a social one is kind of like wow "you must be an alien" kind of social taboo/CRIME...actually if you don't keep it to yourself really you do get lectured and told off like you are some kind of CRIMINAL as well...

I guess though, at the end of the day it's a type thing...and inherent...I don't think things like this can change...

It was a pleasurable(bar the crowds-I really need to relocate to a smaller city as soon as is feasible :P) weekend though... lots of EATING, SUN, WATER and AIR. For all the "difficultness" INTJs are famed for, you can see how this particular one balances out by being able to take pleasure in the most simple things in life :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"A Dog's Breakfast!" by Australia Post

I popped something in the mail for my dear blogger friend, HO.

It arrived like THIS

MINUS its physical contents! :-P

A certain Zhen was not impressed...*VERY AMUSED* however...LOL!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This is why Democratic Processes don't always work, lol

Especially for something as subjective as names, lol.

So anyway sorry to the curious for a delay in posting but I'm still recuperating from the overzealous high energy dynamite laden overly large gathering Sunday night....sheesh I only got home after 2am!

So following on from the Great Name Debacle which I put to a democratic vote with 10 selected friends & my mum (LOL)...this was what happened. 6/10 made the deadline...however it was an even three way split with 2 votes for each name. I got a 7th vote at the function but that one was a donkey one as she wasn't willing to choose from the three valid options...saying why can't I just use Zhen and train people to say it with the correct pronounciation? Due to timezone confusion I got an 8th vote after the deadline, and due to slackness with text I got a 9th way after the deadline and then two voters had a no show and didn't reply for various speculative reasons...lost their phone, no credit, absorbed in their own issues/having a crisis or bimboey not noting the deadline and will post me their answer in a letter, blah blah blah.

So yep, I think that was a good replication of the democratic process...if I accepted the votes that came after the official deadline perhaps there is a winner by a whisker...but at the end of the day I decided to be a fence sitter and keep my name but if it is too difficult I can just be "Z" and that is short for all the names in contention- haha so it really is a case of "call me what you like"! LOL, alas the exciting microcosmic "democratic process" was not so exciting after all...*sigh

In any case I guess the overly exciting :P night probably made up for it! Grandma TIRED! STILL.

Oh and for any Aussies reading this, HAPPY MELBOURNE CUP DAY- MAY YOUR HORSIES FLY LIKE A CONCORDE! (as long as they don't beat mine, haha!)