Friday, October 1, 2010

My 9% Bias

I think cos I overdid it the first 3 days of the week and got to bed really really late Wednesday so ended up sleeping off my exhaustion the whole day, I'm struggling to sleep at the appropriate hour now. In any case I think I'm also suffering...boredom!

It's that mental stimulation factor. My brain needs CONSTANT feeding...and I noticed a funny pattern recently...that typically the only people that can really engage me over a long period tend to have an IQ circa 140...

Unfortunately, this isn't actually too easy to find :p. Apparently only 2.2% of the population have an IQ of 130+. 6.7% of the population fall in the 120s... That's still only 9% of the population at greatest tolerance-arghhhh!

I guess I really am a high maintenance chick after all, lol. Or I just REALLY REALLY LIKE Smarties. That's good cos I guess the Super Nerds could use the extra loving, lol!


HappyOrganist said...

That's good - I need extra love.

vz-nostalgia said...

ah, that's why you disappeared for so long from the horizon of Nostalgia: my IQ is not high enough for you. :-) Honestly, I have no idea what my IQ is, but I bet it's not even close to 140. :-)

Zz... said...

yeah I know you do HO.

Vik, you don't feign humility and I both KNOW you are a Smartie :) you're in that 9% anyway!

actually just in case you read this, Zxoch, you come to mind when I think of that upper percentile too ;)

Franko Gnedo said...

It is better to be wise said the owl to the fox.

Zz... said...

Yeah i know FG, it is always walking an elitist line, but hey I like what I like! And wisdom is usually the stickling party pooper not the fun mentally stimulating ping pong game.

HappyOrganist said...

hey, I know lot of wise fun people ;)

Franko Gnedo said...

I might be quite good at mental ping pong if everyone would wait 10 minutes for me to return the ball.