Monday, September 12, 2011

Sydney Fringe: HIGHLY recommended!!!

Hey, I just wanted to do a bit of a plug in the lead up to the Fringe...just cos I was so, so impressed (and HEY I am a very VERY hard person to impress!)

I was in Adelaide at "The Garden of Unearthly Delights" during the Fringe Fest earlier this year (by accident) and I splurged on heaps of tickets for the short time I was there cramming so much in that I was totally laid up after, sick from all the cigarette smoke in air, lack of sleep and late nights!

ANYWAY while there I saw one of the best live performances EVER...maybe I'm biased cos I'm a huge fan of Frida Kahlo and I guess you appreciate it more when you've spent a fair few hours studying FK but Las Dos Fridas by Meiwah Williams is AWESOME...if you are having trouble choosing what to see, I HIGHLY recommend that you check this out...I doubt you'll be is rare to see a one person show with SO. MUCH. DAMN. TALENT!!! lol I have to admit when I saw this performance I was like geez...why can't IIII be super good at SOMETHING when some people are super good at soooo many things! LOL p.s the musical score deserves a big thumbs up too!

Anyway it was really that good & from a local as well! And I think I've been to quite a few of these kinds of things in my time...not to mention have good taste ;) So yeah...Go see it!!!


miruspeg said...

I love the Sydney Fringe Festival too Macs. I am hoping to see "Bite Size" and "Blank".

I know of your obsession with Frida Kahlo so I can imagine your delight in seeing the show.

Pegs xxxxxx

Zz... said...

OOh Thanks for the mentions Pegs...I was having a look and felt like I was drowning in choice- such a shame ours is all scattered everywhere- they should really have it all in the one spot so you can just rock up at what time suits and see what you can get tickets to- I guess our population and the demand here is too large though.

p.s Obsession or knowledge of FK or not, this show is a SPECTACLE of drama, theatre, dance and sheer acrobatic athleticism anyone would's a really great kind of "fusion spectacular" there is no better term I could think of right now to describe it...