I can't believe I have been waiting aaaages for my favourite band of the contemporary era to FRIGGIN COME DOWN UNDER again and I missed out on tickets...*sigh* feel FLAT now.
Not sure why I hesitated...I guess I forgot that in the years since I saw them they've become big name superstars so Old Granny wasn't fast enough in her little golf buggy!
Boo Hoo. I guess though that means more $ for other artists gigs...but I do feel that Down Under is often a wasteland in terms of being able to have access to good music just cos the distance is so so far for Northern hemisphere musos to have to come...
I'm tempted to go interstate to catch them...but hmph, already had to forfeit several planned trips this year cos of health....so probably not...can't get tickets so far in advance! It's each day as it comes these days...not like before I used to plan the day, the week, the month, the year in advance...I was always completely scheduled at least a month in advance...now it's really...spontaneous...things on a whim. There are benefits to this I guess...I am far more relaxed and well rested for one...
THE GO-BETWEENS/The Clarke Sisters(Live)
OH. MY. GOD. WHERE...HAVE I BEEEEEEEEEEEEEN??!! Somehow in the last few
years a whole heap of The Go-Betweens stuff has finally emerged on Youtube.
11 years ago
What band?
THE NATIONAL... i hyperlinked em didn't I!
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