Monday, October 12, 2009

Help! Born into the wrong generation...

Where can I find some oldies to save my sanity? Please....


HappyOrganist said...

I know what you can do. Look in the phone book and find where the nearest senior center is, and pay 'em a visit. I'm sure they'd be charmed (I know I would be). You could dazzle them with your charm and wit and delightful humor.
Or, you would find *their stories delightful, I'd imagine. There's no one funnier to me, right now, than my 70+ yr old friends, lately. They are pure magic.

Zz... said...

not a bad suggestion H.O! although it sounds like you're only friends with them to laugh at them :P

all the 70 year olds I've met are still very lucid and great to talk to...

HappyOrganist said...

with them!
operative word: with
