Sunday, October 9, 2011

Eating one's way through boredom...

LOL, seriously. Thank God finally a good burst of sun today to save my sanity...

So like the title says I've been doing a lot of that lately- well cos most of my waking hours revolves around food...procuring it, growing it or researching how to, harvesting it, preparing it, cooking it or cleaning up after it!

One night this week I DID NOT SLEEP THE ENTIRE NIGHT just cos I was so craving to try a swiss dessert called a beesting. I guess it was not a good idea to just before bed talk about all the different food excursions we needed to do for all the various things we wanted to eat with my birthday twin....the drool turned into ALL NIGHT obsessing- lol very easy for a scorpio gal that loves eating!

So anyway today was a weird dinner possibly reflective of the chaotic state of my restless itchy feet no travel blues mind...within the one meal I had a seemingly dissonant cacophany of ingredients: beetroot, parsnip, turmeric, rice dulse, fried egg, cayenne, salt, bak choy, lettuce, spring onion, garlic, spinach and flaxseed oil. Strangely, it tasted okay...don't even try and puzzle how I worked it all together! I think these days my meals are WEIRDNESS to say the least, okay maybe as I get older I get more eccentric, but apart from that there are several major factors a) organic food doesn't store so well so I need to use what is in the fridge b)I fresh harvest from my garden c) I want maximum yeah end up with weird-ass meals!!! But somewhat smugly I NEVER get sick or want to throw food away from homecooked food whereas almost every single thing I eat outside makes me sick cos of all the additives, oil, salt and crap toxic ingredients they use and possibly a lack of freshness and hygiene. I met a batty old lady on the bus talking at the top of her lungs about how she ONLY eats organic as well I could forsee me in old age right was a lil

So the interesting thing which I checked up with my bday twin to see if we concur as usual (lol never get sick of this parallel experience feeling-it's too fun!) We both feel BOOOORED as and TIRED. Interestingly enough devoid of inspiration from daily life and the people around us devoid of culture etc grounded in THIS COUNTRY was interesting that we reacted in the same way unbeknownst to the other...we turned to MUSIC! Specifically the need to create it! The last day or two I had been thinking I SERIOUSLY NEED a piano and to splurge on lessons...anyway she actually ended up buying a GUITAR today to cope with the boredom-had no forewarning it was pretty random!! LOL so is obviously a huge muse for us....

Apart from that had soooo much flower proliferation in my garden I started cutting them and sticking them in containers around the house which is pretty weird and housewifely for me...also been watching lots of DVDs with an overrepresentation of foreign and German as per usual...

and indulging pretty expensive raw organic chocolate at $8/100g...yep that's how I deal with boredom and cooped up with rain! :P


Anonymous said...

To read you is quite enjoyable to me!
I haven't know that you have a twin, I have been searching about the meaning of bday twin, and I was wondering what kind of twin you have, a Fraternal twin or a Identical twin. As a English language student, I have found quite funny this phrase: "at the top of her lungs." Best wishes!

HappyOrganist said...

I can so see you ending up like that woman on the bus..

good luck with the piano (?) thing. I can't teach you, though. I really don't like giving lessons and having my schedule all tied down like that. so sorry... =D

and for food - all I have to add is that I'm learning to add bacon grease to everything I cook. That and chicken or tomato bouillon (I'm sure it's full of preservatives and that's why I never used it before - but it makes my food palatable to my family - and it's a trick I learned from my good friend. NEED I say more..) Bacon. I'm loving bacon.
But you know what I put in my chicken soup the other day? Cinnamon.
Now.. it didn't hurt the flavor of it so much. It DID however confuse the heck out of my senses. The soup tasted nothing like I expected. Put the cinnamon in and I walked around the house thinking there was banana bread somewhere.. But the soup tasted more or less like chicken soup.

Anyway - sometime I'll try a chicken soup recipe that CALLS for cinnamon (and probably won't ask for garlic in the same recipe).

yeah... but it's fun.

Zz... said...

Oh Zxoch, sorry for all the lazy typos and mistakes...I REALLY should proofread and edit otherwise I am HARDLY a good english rolemodel(!)

my twin is just by birth day not by blood! you have to teach me a cool new mexican expression...the funniest expression i learnt this year was "tohu wabohu"...i think that was from a swiss girl but a german understood it too... NEED to buy FRESH organic bacon the supermarket stuff is so full of preservative it is yuck...

your cooking sounds a worry...if you only just discovered these flavour strategies, lol..also not too sure about chicken and cinnamon...i like chicken and corn- yup that's the asian in me ;)

HappyOrganist said...

yes - well I do not usually list cooking as one of my talents/gifts. And that is proof, I guess, if I just discovered sodium so recently...... ^^