It's like just a silent reel with slides of faces of anguish and screaming...more powerful than if it came with audio.
I hate hospitals. As a HSP it's just way too much sensory overload...I think to survive working in one day in day out one has to either be completely insensitive, uncompassionate and unfeeling (NOT a water sign) or completely deaden their senses...
The compelling urge is there to just shut your eyes and cover your ears...but then those niggling intuitive antennae pick up lots too- not sure how to close that off!
Best is...avoid them whenever possible!
THE GO-BETWEENS/The Clarke Sisters(Live)
OH. MY. GOD. WHERE...HAVE I BEEEEEEEEEEEEEN??!! Somehow in the last few
years a whole heap of The Go-Betweens stuff has finally emerged on Youtube.
11 years ago
I do. I dislike hospitals, too. Especially modern ones. They're too plastic and clinical now. Too much science and not enough humanity.
HI! I talked to someone last week who says she is an empath. (I believe her). She was explaining (with no details) how when she felt OTHER people's emotions, she had to treat that differently than if she was experiencing her own emotions. Sorry she didn't explain what to do in the first scenario. Otherwise, I'd share. ;)
Hospitals can be great for putting life back into perspective but it would be difficult if hospitals were your life. I can relate to that feeling of moving through the hospital being like a reel of slides. Mostly when it was a reel of repetitive slides of white cielings and fluroesent lights.
p.s. and the orderly's nose hairs :)
Well, the title of your post cough my eye, but I had thought about another kind of suffering. For example, I don't think that you could withstand a sound with 32000Hz with all the volume, it could hurt your ears.! Play the following video with low volume, in order to check a hear the sound of suffering:
Best, X
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