Monday, November 8, 2010


LOL as far as Self Help Books go this is probably at the top of the list- funny I know so many people who have read this but I for one had never been interested enough to even open it if it was in front of my nose...I guess I was always so confident that I didn't& don't need it! LOL hey, give me some credit for being honest - sure I might be waaaay narcissistic but aren't you at least IMPRESSED that I dare to say what all other people in this society can think but keep to themselves out of "propriety". I prefer complete honesty any day WARTS & ALL, lol so I give it as good as I expect...

So anyway my mate who is a real charmer that gets along with everybody and anybody decided to give this book to me...LOL I wonder why? If he was a worser friend I definitely would almost have been offended! So maybe he thinks I need it but the truth of the matter is, as an INTJ, I really don't care enough..I really reflected on it and it is a choice: I know for a fact that if I really think someone is worth being friends with or influencing ie: I see a purpose... I can so do it! But will read obediently and post if there are any lighthouse moments I get worth reporting :P

Apart from that my love of genuine old fogeys continues...they are soooo freaking interesting I think I'm developing a "thing" for talking to random old people...just cos young people are so so damn boring- I've totally given up on associating with them. LOL So yes on Saturday I met Michael and today I met Mary. Hi Hi through the ether from that random asian grandma hidden inside a girl's facade you met by chance^^


JJ said...

With you on this one, Z. I found once that the best way NOT to make friends is to try. If you just sit back and be yourself, the right people come to you naturally. That's if you feel the need of friends, of course. But then, I avoid self-help books like the plague. I have an impression of an emotionally impoverished western population stressing themselves out over nothing and trying to 'correct' themselves with self-help books. And I know who I blame for that.

Apart from that, is it my turn to be narcissistic and suspect that 'old fogeys' might have been aimed at me? Doubt it. The rest doesn't fit.

Zz... said...

didn't think of you explicitly but have to say "if the shoe fits...!" lol, you old fogey you ;)

Unknown said...

I met an old lady on Saturdy night at my dad's retirement party and I loved her! She was the first female sargeant on the force and my dad's first boss. She was amazing! I love hearing stories from older people.