Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pic, Pic, Pix...

HO, it's your lucky day-this is almost as fun as Duck, Duck...Goose!

After such a visual drought here at this blog, I've finally got some pics...cos I only JUST managed to get my actual computer which died and spearheaded my snowballing "good grief!" times...back to life again!

So to celebrate, some random and possibly entertaining long lost pics...but for the one modelling the blue hat you made me: check your mail, lol...I could have sent you Version.GrossPink but I think seeing a scowl is not the optimal way to start a day, lol!

So anyway let's start this with some "Culture"...Oriental style! I went to this calligraphy expo/exhibition earlier this year and loved this abstract "worm style" a.k.a "chao shu"...should be vertical but I like to look at it as an artwork and can't read it anyway.

The master in action-it's actually a very dynamic and dramatic procedure...I still have no idea how she managed to keep her beautiful peach silk top free of black splotches! Talk about

And then we got to try our hand at it...this was my first ever time to pick up a brush & ink -my attempt at "yun" (cloud)...she showed it once and then we had to mean feat...the character is barely recognisable apparently but I think mine looks pretty and artistic regardless, lol...more Japanese than Chinese looking though, I think. My experienced calligrapher friend refers to this as "Your Ugly Ass Worm". I think she's just jealous ; ) Beautiful even if I must say so myself :)

So anyway unrelated but adding to this picture exhibition is my Beloved Mario-esque Mushroom clip magnets...HO you will recognise them since I sent you their Abhorrent and Inferior Pink Cousins which I hope are still alive and well and have not been assassinated by any one of your three

And a funny sign from an old board I found recently from at least 2 or 3 years ago...which reflects that the working like a dog lifestyle has been a long ass haul for me :p

Okay, and what more logical way to end this post than to end with...BEANS.

I was cooking these up the other day and noticed in soaking, deriving great pleasure from the vibrant colour combination...Red and Green Beans...Adzuki and Mung (Hong Dou and Lu Dou respectively...awesome food-herbs by the way :)

That's all for now! Busy Busy Tired...


HappyOrganist said...

Good Morning! Thanks for the picture(s). I do recognize the mushrooms. Nice hat.
That's interesting that you posted (is that a teacher?) doing calligraphy(I was eyeing some T's with calligraphy on them just last night).
btw the pink mushrooms are way superior. And they're still safe near the top of my fridge (next to a wonderful magnet from Izzy).
You look beautiful!
you need to punch your boyfriend who called you a clown.
and you look (cliche though it may be) like an acupuncturist.

I don't think you'd be much of a goat 'farmer.' =P

But you can do whatever you like.

p.s. My darling and favorite elderly (70+ year old) lady friend *loves (is and understatement really) goats and goat's milk and farms. She would approve of that path for you. (and hence my going on about 'what are goats good for?' ;) )

Zz... said...

he didn't call me a clown he said i'm as "cute as a clown"...I think that's a compliment. "beautiful" is embarrasing. Cute is cool!!!

I'm glad I look like an acupuncturist cos that is my firm intention although today someone tried to lure me from my path trying to get me to be on a "board"!!! no joke.

yeah apparently goats milk is the only healthy milk...I've yet to locate it tho and not sure if I'm game to try it!

Yah, Izzy is the queen of beautiful things as we all know from her house pics- I was almost going to post a pic of the dolphin stone she wired for me but though the pic did not to justice to the beautiful colour and energy of the stone :)

i agree on the hat but my yellow mushrooms wallop your pink ones anyday!

Zz... said...

p.s H.O...i am offended you did not think to comment on the Majesty of my worm cloud, lol! if you want me to 'tell all', you gotta learn to "stroke" better-haha!!! ;) ;)

HappyOrganist said...

God that's gorgeous can you paint another one?

HappyOrganist said...

I have time for this while I'm not doing dishes right now.

So is your 'cloud' symbol supposed to look like this or this? This is what my limited searching capabilities yielded.. and sorry, but your picture looks Nothing like Either of those.

Zz... said...

yeah i know but do you think ancient master calligraphy is readable- nobody can read what they say either!

p.s good try ;) just keep doing that!

HappyOrganist said...

How 'bout you just come and comment on the beautiful yellow I put in my house.
Punk =P
..can't tell me about not commenting on your painting!!!

Izzy said...

I tried to cook Adzuki beans once and well, don't think the recipe did them justice. Perhaps you could enlighten me on the best way to prepare them, I know they are extremely healthy and I'd love to incorporate them into our diet.

Izzy said...

Oh, and I just read your comments with Jen, you guys are just the sweetest. It's nice to overhear someone talking about you and it's positive. Feeling the love.

Unknown said...

I love the calligraphy! While in Vancouver I found a paper shop that sold calligraphy kits and those cool personalized wax stamps. I am kicking myself now for not buying it while I had the chance. Thunder Bay has yet to reach the cultural status of having a shop that sells calligraphy paraphernalia.