Monday, July 5, 2010

T v F

The nighttime is always the hardest...cos everything flares and it is hard to be able to sleep cos so uncomfortable!

So I end up with more thoughts to write into blog posts...

I was analysing my newly imposed social interactions recently and why I find them so frustrating...apart from being reasonably socially unintelligent in favour of more idealistic ideals like truth and honesty and straightforwardness and not being similar to how the majority express themselves hence often misunderstood, I'm finding the main factor I can probably attribute the difficulty to is that on the Myers Briggs Scale I am a T (Thinking) preference, however I am living with strongly F(Feeling) preferences. The reason I came to this conclusion is that I found myself finding that people around me were so irrational and emotional all the time and I couldn't understand how, since when there are clear and objective facts and truths available that can be examined to draw conclusions, how people can totally disregard this kind of information...which strikes me as so emotion-driven and subjective and irrational!

I s'pose that is the major challenge of being a minority INTJ for me. It's that damn T preference, after that it's probably the minority I over E preference in a country like here and after that a tie between the N v S preference and the J v P preference....I think the J V P preference doesn't bother me that much. FYI, I am a strong I, strong N and weak T and weak J so if snything it is interesting that strong Fs bother me that much yet strong Js over Ps also rather than vice versa.

I guess if you're not familiar with Myers Briggs theories all that was just gobbledegook but hey this blog is for my own reflection...and I think after some time has passed I'm interested to see if my preferences have changed...I feel that I've sort of almost grown completely into my personality now and neither time nor circumstances is going to change these character preferences! (My mum still hopes somehow I might find my inner extroverted social, really I think most success in society requires being somewhat extroverted or the ability to seem that way.)

On an unrelated note I finally got to see my new nephew and BOY is he cute! I think full asian babies are typically cuter than halfies, but halfies are always better looking...especially when they grow up, well at least most of them...especially when the cultural mix = polar opposites...he's too young for me to get a sense of his personality yet but yeah I'm glad for one more male...there's way too much estrogen in this family(!)...another thing I associate with more "irrationality", haha...we INTJ females should definitely be seen as honorary males ;)

Hmm I suddenly have a craving for scrambled eggs on vegemite toast- I wonder if I should entertain it...neh, too lazy...


HappyOrganist said...

oh don't knock irrational, it's fun!
see... =D

Zz... said...

hey got your card thanks...

HappyOrganist said...

good! that was quick. ;)