Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Empathic Resonance!

You know you have great friends when you feel like slime dripping down a wall and your friends are all around to buy you icecream, drinks, make sure you eat, use their $500 mobile credits to call you and listen to you vent hours of existential crisis at any time of day...and best of all...feel your traumas so personally they even end up being haunted in their dreams as if your crisis was their own! Now that's what I call "Empathic Resonance"....the true sign of a GOOD FRIEND, lol :-D

In any case, I'm exhausted...

Suddenly I became Miss Popularity, or maybe it's cos its the holidays and I'm the only loser still in I'm some rare available company...

1 comment:

HappyOrganist said...

well that sounds fun - people dreaming about your crisis. good for you - to have such good friends! ;D